And Thus Begins the Long Weekend…

Saturday Update: Rage refuses to run for reasons that escape me. Long weekend is canceled.

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And now it’s signed and sealed.

I have the papers in my backpack. I start on December 1st and I can’t wait to get started. But until I explain my blogging situation to my superiors and know what I can and can’t say, everything is confidential.

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The Legacy of Earth #053639 – Chronicle of the Sixth Engagement

I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. My recent victory has ired my fellow commanders and I was expecting several attempts on me and mine, especially with the power I held in Oceania. So I planned on playing defensively and carefully. Lot of good that did me. A new development came when prior scans discovered a strange power matrix connecting all islands, promising a lot to the faction that could take all of them. But there was no feasible way of doing it without eliminating one or two first. The previous report is available here and the first one is here. I reiterate that these protocols are classified AMC (All Minor Cities), OFE (One Faction Eliminated), TMOR (Three Missiles One Roll) and, since the last game was mine, BST (Board Signed Twice).

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The Legacy of Earth #053639 – Chronicle of the Nuclear War

This one was a long time coming. We should have all seen this coming as one of the other commanders was far to willing to throw around ballistic missiles. And this is how it unfolded. I remind you that this report is classified AMC (All Minor Cities), OFE (One Faction Eliminated) and, at least from the middle of it also TMOR (Three Missiles One Roll). I will say again, this is meant for high ranking commanders or those who will never seek adventure on a parallel Earth. For those just tuning in, the previous conflicts are available here. Satellite photography had some glitches that were fixed later on and we ended up with a lot of footage for this conflict so the thumbnail images have been shrunk. You may click on them to embiggen. I arrived first, always betting on quicker gates for the advantage. Unfortunately, the bio-hazard contamination in Indonesia has yet to be cleaned up. I really have to do something about that. Roman’s bear forces gated into his favourite town and Amir’s Mechaniker did the same. Oz’s Imperial soldiers took over Mongolia while Itamar’s Saharans, in an ironic twist of fate, chose Scandinavia as their home. Unfortunately, a satellite malfunction lost us that last photograph. The Bears were the first to move, marshaling their forces on one side of the south Atlantic link, already expecting trouble from the Mechaniker. The Saharans expended over much of Europe, choosing to capture Greenland instead of Western Europe for what could Continue Reading →

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The Legacy of Earth #053639 – Chronicle of the Fourth Engagement

I was brought in on this assignment with a sudden call. Reporting on time, as ordered, I found out that the logistic arrangements are not complete and that I still had to wait. I hate waiting. All forces, were eventually assembled and we gated in. It is prudent to mention that all further materials are classified and if you have not the proper clearance, you might want to avoid reading. I am not responsible for the repercussions should you choose to proceed. The following report is classified AMC (All Minor Cities) and OFE (One Faction Eliminated). This is the first satellite shots of the conflict. Given command of the Imperialists, I used my favourite transport hub in Indonesia to muster our forces. Bear forces gated into South America, rendering Amir’s city useless, while Mechaniker troops blocked off Roman’s avenue by taking over East Africa. Khan forces, led by the scorned Amir stopped at Central America, ready to push into the south and apparently oblivious to the major catastrophe this might cause. Roman’s Saharans had no better place to go than separatist Russia and maybe next time he’ll learn that haste in gating in is a great advantage. Early expansion saw the Saharans take over Europe, my Imperials making the standard Australia/Southeast Asia grab, the Bears bashing their way into Khan HQ, as I expected, and Khans having nothing to do but lick their wounds and try to rebuild in Kamchatka. The Saharan’s next move was into their favourite continent of Continue Reading →

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The Legacy of Earth #053639 – Chronicle of the Third Engagement

I was called to participate again shortly after the previous engagement. This time, I was hired by the Saharan Republic. I jumped at the opportunity to work with those desert speeders. We started in Australia again while the Bears, commanded by the previous Mech commander, started in his favourite city in Africa again. The Imperialists started in north America, the Mechs in south America, in the city founded by their commander, and Khan deployed in Siberia, way too close for comfort. The Bears started with a major expansion, guarding the African-American link religiously. I employed the successful Australian/Southeast Asia grab tactic. The Imperialists floundered across north America and the Mechs took advantage of it and broke their defenses easily. Following a secretive meeting with a Khan diplomat, we concluded with a non-aggression pact that facilitated their northern expansion and our southern. They moved through the Kamchatkan peninsula and took over a significant section of northern America, narrowing Imperial control even further. The Bears, with ruthless efficiency, pushed through my forward lines and crushed a path through southeast Asia and too close to my HQ for comfort. But that left them open to Mechaniker attack and the Mechs flowed through northern Africa and decimated the Bear HQ forces. The Imperials tried to maintain control of their section of the continent but were brought to extinction by Mech and Khan forces. Bear forces diverted by trouble at home, trying to reconquer the dark continent, were still strong enough to hold down my Continue Reading →

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The Legacy of Earth #053639 – Chronicle of the Second Engagement

I was not a part of the first conflict but brought in to handle battles when the money was right. Things on the source Earth have become scarce, hot and fiercely… debated over. The offer came at the right time so I jumped on the dimensional coordinates I was given. The satellite view I got when I arrived showed an Earth already scarred by conflict. Some stragglers have already founded another holy city as well as others around the planet and the western part of what we call the United States have already been severely depleted of valuable resources. I was hired to command the Imperial forces who jumped into New Guinea. When we touched down, reports where already confirming Mechaniker forces in Africa, spewing out of the city erected there. A Bear Enclave was formed in south America, the Republic started haphazardly in North America while Khan Industries took over Iceland. The Mechaniker started by spreading over Africa and the Middle East. My first order of business was to harness local support in Australia and establish a foot hold in south east Asia. The Bears’ commander, having heard the stories about the Mechaniker general, took hold of south America and rushed into Africa, hoping to stall the previous victor from acting another land grab. The Saharan Republic, spreading thinly over north America and facing two fronts (Panama and the north sea pass), opted to invade the Kamchatkan peninsula, presenting me with an enemy in the north. Khan’s troops took Continue Reading →

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Now That I’m Slightly Back from the Brink of Death by Schoolwork…

Here are some recent updates. As evident by yesterday’s post, I’ve passed the big test I had to pass and that’s a huge load off my mind. I’m still waiting on the last grade, my last assignment. On one hand, it’s a grade I feel much better about and could probably argue for it if it’s not high enough. But on the other hand, if I can’t get the grade that I want, I’m more screwed than with Computability. I’ve had one job interview with a game company on Sunday and I have another today. I got some homework from the first company. A kind of demo of me being able to do what the company does. It’s an interesting request whose legality I still question. I mean, I am doing work for them and I’m not getting payed for it but, at this stage, I’ll do what I can to impress. The next interview I have is for a company that is kind of big in the Israeli Game Development scene and I hope it goes well. Overall, having options is best. I also have an interview lined up with Microsoft. And I know what they say about Microsoft but they do have great researchers and, stack ranking aside, if I do get accepted, I hope the team is good and I get some experience, at least. In the mean time, I’m trying to get a job, trying to gain control of all the everyday monsters that grew more Continue Reading →

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The Humble Bundle’s Weekly Sale is up

You can find it here. You know that in physics there’s the idea of multiple universes and that every choice we have splits the multiverse further according to our options? Well, I don’t think this can happen here. I don’t think there is a universe in which this option is presented to me and I choose anything other than the obvious.

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?אתה באמת רוצה לפתח משחקים

פעם אחת נשאלתי את השאלה הזאת. נסה לתאר כמה אתה באמת רוצה לעבוד על משחקים בתור קריירה. התשובה שלי הייתה שכמעט כל פעם שהמוח שלי סוטה מהנושא ועובר לערוץ החופשי, המחשבות הן על משחקים. מכניקות, סיפורים, אינטראקציות, התקלויות, דברים כאלו. כמה זה גרוע? עכשיו אני עובד על המשימה הגדולה ביותר של התואר שלי, משהו שויתרתי על שבתות ועל חגים בשבילו, משהו שקצת לא נעים לי שאני לרגע לוקח ממנו הפסקה כדי לכתוב את זה, ועל מה אני חושב מדי פעם? עכשיו כשיש לי שרת ומסד נתונים וממשק רשת ל-Google Maps, איך אני יכול להפוך את זה למשחק? מה אני יכול להריץ על זה?

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