Moloch, Religion, and Population
The Haredim “problem” we have in Israel is also a Moloch Trap. The Muslim “problem” in the rest of the western world is similar but different. Let’s start with the first: Judaism, like every religion, has a convoluted history that left us with the branches we have today. We have Reformists, Conservatives, and Orthodox sects (Let’s leave the Secular and Traditionalists out of this one). The newer ones, Reformists and Conservatives, have only been around for a few decades and are still a minority. But Orthodox Jews aren’t that simple either. There are many subsects of those. But this point applies to basically all of them: They have more children per family than any other denomination, 6.6 children on average according to recent data compared to 2.1-2.4 that is the general average. This means that over time, Orthodox Jews will become a bigger and bigger part of the population. A part that, in Israel at least, mostly distance themselves from everyday life of work, military service, and participation in the mechanisms of the state (some don’t. I had a couple in my university preparation classes), a part that will more and more require financial support from the smaller and smaller population of active tax payers. Despite more and more Orthodox and “Ultra-Orthodox” people splitting off in favor of regular life every year, their leaders, the Rabbis and “Askanim”, actually work to keep those societies isolated and under control. So yes, it’s easy to point at them and their lifestyle that Continue Reading →
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Enshittification is a Moloch Trap
“Moloch is the personification of the forces that coerce competing individuals to take actions which, although locally optimal, ultimately lead to situations where everyone is worse off. Moreover, no individual is able to unilaterally break out of the dynamic. The situation is a bad Nash equilibrium. A trap.” – Scott Alexander Basically, Moloch causes the Tragedy of the Commons on a massive, nearly unstoppable, irreversible, inescapable scale. Today, it is incentivised by the people at the top of any organisation, the ones who actually steer the particular boat, focusing too narrowly only on the factors that control the preferred value they prescribe to in the short term. In cooperatives like Motion Twin, their value is what they make of it and the people controlling it are the players they make games for. And as game makers mostly wanting to live well enough and make more games, they think a lot more about sustainability. In giant public corporations, their value is only their market capitalisation and the people controlling it are the shareholders who just want to see the line go up every quarter. That’s how you get Broken Capitalism, or Enshittification. People stay in Moloch Traps because they think the way they got there is either the best engineered way we have or the most natural and they don’t bother to think about better ways. The actual experts on the field can think of better ways but they usually lack the power to make any meaningful change, to force every boat to steer back into a better Continue Reading →
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In a War for Existence, the Ones who Deny it Will Always Lose
Karl Popper explained the Paradox of Intolerance. Meaning, a society must be tolerant except for intolerance. If it doesn’t, it self destructs and its tolerance along with it. Intolerance is growing rampant in the world manifesting mostly as some people denying the right to exist to other people. Hamas denying Israel, Israel denying Palestinians, far right wingnuts in the US denying self-determining women, Russians denying Ukrainians, Chinese denying Taiwanese. A person can not live in a society or come to an agreement with another person if that other person denies the first person’s right to exist. A woman who wishes to not have kids, and invest in her career instead, can not live in the same society with a man who thinks all women are good for is for making babies. The same way, we can not come to an meaningful agreement with Hamas or Khezbollah when their primary desire is the non-existence of Israel. We can also not resolve the Palestinian problem when there are people in government who don’t believe Palestinians should exist. The only ways to resolve this paradox is with the eradication of intolerance or of the people suffering from the intolerance. In the former case, the deniers lose. In the latter case, it’s more likely people will die and then good luck existing in a world of tolerant societies, and the deniers lose again. There is another way, if intolerance takes over the world. In that case, we’ll probably self-destruct as a human race.
Posted in No Category and tagged Humanity, Politics by Eran with 1 comment.
“Budgets are shock absorbers for money stress”
I have and will in the future continue to extoll the benefits of YNAB and managing a budget in general. While people often view budgets as this constraining thing preventing them from using their money for what they want, the entire opposite is true. Budgets are just shock absorbers for money stress. If you handle your budget correctly, you should assign the money you have into the categories you want to use it for. You plan ahead for things you know you’ll have to pay for. But you also prepare for the known unknowns. Meaning, you don’t know when your car will break, what it will be, or how bad it’s going to be. But you can be sure it’ll happen in some point in the future, and you can estimate, roughly, how much it’s going to cost. So let’s say you even did that but your car broke and it costs more than you thought. Well, because you assigned your money to categories according to how you want to spend it, you have money assigned to less important, more quality of life categories, or you have a lot of money in important categories that you can be fairly sure you won’t need in the immediate future. You can take that to cover the extra cost of that car repair. The result is: you suffered a setback but you properly prepared for it and you know exactly where it hit, how much, and how it will affect the rest of Continue Reading →
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The Nürnberg Defense of Gaming
As far as I know, this idea is a very common one (even if not commonly called that) but I was still surprised that no one did a write up of it (that I could find). So, here it is, with my thoughts. Known also as “That’s what my character would do!”, the Nürnberg Defense of Gaming is used by players who defend their own fun of playing an asshole over the fun of other players who would like to not have to suffer assholes. Just like you know who (or who you think used that defense before). While I’m all in favor of people investing in their character’s… character, when you are playing a roleplaying game, you are playing a social game. As another axiom of TTRPGs says, “The only way to play wrong is if someone isn’t having fun”. So, if you are playing in any way that makes any other player miserable, it’s up to you to change. That’s basically it. I was thinking of what else I can say about it but it pretty much boils down to this simple rule: If you’re playing in a way (including your character’s mannerisms) that makes someone else at the table miserable or ruining their fun, then you’re the asshole and you’re playing wrong. If you don’t agree, prepare to be ejected from your group some time in the future.
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The Loss of Honor
Responding to an episode of Simon Sinek’s podcast again… We are missing a lot without honor. I agree that honor is about maintaining moral standards and gentleperson-like behavior. And many religious people who claim to have moral standards rarely have honor. Honor is not necessarily about being of service or being necessary but it’s definitely about not being a harm to society and being a standup citizen. I think the problem we have with the IDF today as opposed to all that we hear from the US army about people being professional, wanting to be there, and being very honorable and easily sacrificing for each other and the greater good, is that in the IDF, we claim to have high moral standards but the soldiers themselves, from what we see in the news, are very dishonorable. Which is funny in a country where one of the most celebrated movies with one of the most celebrated songs is one about honor.
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19 Years
This blog has been up for 19 years counting last Monday. Of course, avid readers remember that I had a blog before this which I made in high school so I’ve been blogging closer to 25 years. This years has been… a thing. I’m just tired about everything. For many reasons. I’m sure you can relate to at least some.
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