The Legacy of Earth #053639 – Chronicle of the Fourth Engagement
I was brought in on this assignment with a sudden call. Reporting on time, as ordered, I found out that the logistic arrangements are not complete and that I still had to wait. I hate waiting. All forces, were eventually assembled and we gated in.
It is prudent to mention that all further materials are classified and if you have not the proper clearance, you might want to avoid reading. I am not responsible for the repercussions should you choose to proceed. The following report is classified AMC (All Minor Cities) and OFE (One Faction Eliminated).
This is the first satellite shots of the conflict. Given command of the Imperialists, I used my favourite transport hub in Indonesia to muster our forces. Bear forces gated into South America, rendering Amir’s city useless, while Mechaniker troops blocked off Roman’s avenue by taking over East Africa. Khan forces, led by the scorned Amir stopped at Central America, ready to push into the south and apparently oblivious to the major catastrophe this might cause. Roman’s Saharans had no better place to go than separatist Russia and maybe next time he’ll learn that haste in gating in is a great advantage.
Early expansion saw the Saharans take over Europe, my Imperials making the standard Australia/Southeast Asia grab, the Bears bashing their way into Khan HQ, as I expected, and Khans having nothing to do but lick their wounds and try to rebuild in Kamchatka. The Saharan’s next move was into their favourite continent of Africa and although the first invasion went well, the fortifications were pretty good. I, in the mean time, had to contend with rebellions at home that cost me time and people.
Oz’s Bear forces pushed into the deep north, taking out Roman’s Greenland guards. Mechaniker troops pushed from Egypt into Greece and clashed with the Saharans for a bitter battle that ended badly for them as the desert dwellers held the mountains and forests. The regrouped Khan Army, recently gating in reinforcements in Kamchatka, marched into North America and took the Bears by surprise, conquering most of the continent.
Over the next several weeks, Saharan forces stampeded through Africa and into the South America Major City. They discovered a new group of Mercenary soldiers and rallied them to their side before capturing the Bears’ HQ. This, however, left their own HQ undefended, allowing me to initiate a quick stride and capture of the Russian block. The Bears, garnering a few more troops, took back their own base with a quick jab assault. And the Khans gathered all they had to take back their own base back from the Bears.
The following month saw Roman’s Saharans taking back their HQ in a last ditch effort, trying their best to maintain hold of Europe. But, with enough collected income, I managed to collect a massive force that nearly crumbled in front of the Russians before paving a line through northern Europe. I did, however, managed to strike a deal with the Mechaniker that left my poorly stretched forces safe. The Bears mustered their few forces and took back the American major city. Mechaniker garnered some serious might and plowed through southern Europe, respecting our deal and not attacking my forces. On the other side of the Atlantic, Khan eliminated the remaining Bears and took back their general’s city.
These sets of manouvers left Bears and Saharan forces out of sorts but with new, augmented abilities that will make them a force to contend with later. And thus remained the Mechaniker and Khan on either side of the south Atlantic route and me in the east with not a lot going for me, having my strong advance stifled. And thus we were all just left watching, panicked and helpless, as the Mechaniker brought… anyone who could fit through the gate and pushed them into the Americas.
I wouldn’t say I completely failed in that engagement. I was pretty close to victory. The Mechaniker were simply faster and bigger. If, for some reason, their play had failed, I would have had victory within a week. But I can still show respect for a honourable and well played move by a novice commander.
The future now is quite uncertain as I fear I might not be able to gate into my favourite city in the next conflict and that I might be forced into a staging area I dislike. But I will do what I can. That’s what I’m here for. That and the smell of blood and fear.
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