The Fourth Step of Enshittification

We already know that AI is ruining the internet and if this trend continues, it’ll turn into a vacuous space with 90% bots posting shit and then replying to each other with other shit. But even without AI in the mix, After watching Jenny Nicholson’s video on the Star Wars Hotel I have become painfully aware of the fourth step of Enshittification. After pandering to the investors at the expense of business partners and actual users of the platform, corporations create groundbreaking, disruptive bullshit NERPS that are only there to entice more investors to invest more so they can grow their market share and capitalization without actually releasing anything that people actually want.I think that’s what all this AI bullshit is doing now, just like the Metaverse bullshit last year or the crypto-nft-blockchain bullshit two years ago. They’re just riding the wave of what’s hot in the industry so speculating assholes with too much money and too little sense give them a higher evaluation and a year or two from now it’ll all fizzle out with nothing to show for it except some die hard fans who’ll swear by it, some gullibles who lost their money, and C-Suite dipshits retiring with a golden parachute.

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Cause and Effect is Learned

Simon Sinek’s guests always have interesting insights about society and practice and Dr. Michael Muthukrishna is no different. What caught me most about this episode is what he said about the most basic function of human fourth-dimensional thinking. I thought the ability to see a series of events and expect the next is just something you get used to. It’s how you teach your automatic motor functions to catch a ball when it’s thrown to you. Apparently, it’s a much more learned phenomenon and not something just inherent to the human existence. I did, in the past, work for an auto-safety initiative in teaching young drivers how to be better faster. The most important thing on that curriculum is the biggest difference between new drivers and experienced ones is the depth and breadth of fourth-dimensional thinking. I explained to them how an experienced driver looks a lot further ahead, takes in the situation, and expects where dangers and obstacles could come from, adjusting their driving accordingly. This also explains the person looking at me as I was riding my bike towards them and their dog blocking the entire road and only clearing some space for me when I stopped and gave them a questioning look.

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The Loss of Nuance

I don’t want to harp too long about this but I felt I had to say something. I am definitely not the first to mourn the loss of nuance in today’s discourse, in everything. It’s all so polarized, when the only options that seem to be available are the two extremes. It’s ok to have a stance but it’s not ok to demonize the other side. It’s ok to hold two opinions that might seem at odds at the same time.

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Far Cry 6, PETA, and are Games Educational?

Recently, PETA criticised Ubisoft for including a cockfighting mini-game in their recent franchise title Far Cry 6. And that got me thinking about what is ok or not ok to include in a game. I completely understand why Far Cry 6, which occurs in a Cuban-esque island country called Yara, includes that aspect. Cuba, a country under heavy sanctions, makes due with whatever they have at hand. And, as far as entertainment goes, while cockfighting is a horrible practice in your regular western-aligned countries, it is not exactly frowned upon in Cuba. So, Far Cry 6 appropriating this symbol for immersion purposes is understandable. On the other hand, I also completely understand why PETA would criticise this. Far Cry is a very popular franchise. At the time of writing, it has sold poorer than its predecessor but that still puts it above 10 million units moved. That’s a lot of people being exposed to this segment, engaging with cockfighting in a way that might be unhealthy in the future. In the game itself, you do play the cockfighting mini-game in a fighting game style, as a animal encouraged to viciously peck, rip, and tear another animal, both of which were probably forced into this against their will. So, think about that 13-year-old kid who just got his hands on the new, popular AAA title all their friends are playing and this is the first time they sees something like cockfighting. If that’s the first time they engaged with that sort Continue Reading →

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Is there such a thing as a Super Perceptor?

A while back, a good friend of mine told me they’re a super-taster. I’m not sure if he’s officially diagnosed but what he described to me is that everything he tastes is very vivid and he can’t stand any kind of spicy food because even the mildest one is very spicy. Recently, this got me thinking: Is Super-Perceptor a thing? One of the things about me that I find is quite out of the ordinary is my really high perception. I can come back home and, even unintentionally, see what changed in the kitchen and know exactly what my wife had for lunch and sometimes even roughly when. I think this might be something borne out of my martial arts experience. When you train, you’re taught to notice even the subtlest muscle movements so you can counter appropriately at the right time, not too early and not too late. You’re probably thinking to yourself that this sounds like Sherlock Holmes and, yes, what is portrayed in the miniseries with Benedict Cumberbatch comes very close and what defines Sherlock, especially in that series, is that he is the best there is at percieving and analysing evidence. Unfortunately, it’s not all good. I think the same core cause is what also makes me very susceptible to motion and simulation sickness, it’s why touching most organic matter feels very uncomfortable for me, why Mindfulness Meditation just doesn’t work for me, why any subtle movement of the screen I’m looking at feels like a Continue Reading →

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קנאה במקום העבודה

אני חושב שמשכורות זה משהו שצריך להיות פומבי במקום העבודה. בדרך כלל, התגובה שאני מקבל היא שזה יגרום לאנשים לקנא. לדעתי, זה דבר טוב. כי רוב האנשים לא חושבים על זה אבל יש שני סוגים של קנאה. השפה העברית פשוט לא מכילה את המילים בשביל זה. באנגלית, אפשר להבדיל בין Jealousy ל-Envy (למרות שגם דוברי אנגלית לרוב לא יתייחסו להבדל הזה). כשאומרים קנאה, רוב האנשים חושבים על Jealousy. זאת המחשבה שלמישהו לא צריך להיות משהו בגלל שלך אין אותו. זאת מחשבה מאוד שלילית ועוינת ואני מבין למה עדיף להימנע ממנה, במיוחד בין אנשים שאמורים לעבוד ביחד. אבל זאת הגישה הנמוכה והשלילית ואני מעדיף לנקוט בתער של האנלון. Envy היא הרצון גם להשיג משהו שלמישהו אחר יש. ואלא אם כן מדובר במשהו ייחודי (כמו בן זוג של מישהו), רוב הזמן לא מדובר בלקחת לאותו מישהו את מה שיש לו. איך שאני רואה את זה, אם אני רואה שלמישהו יש משהו מגניב שאני אוהב, אני אחפש איפה אני גם יכול להשיג כזה. אם למישהו באותו תפקיד כמו שלי יש זכויות מסוימות או משכורת טובה יותר ממני, אני אבדוק מה אני יכול לעשות כדי שגם יגיע לי, אני ארצה להשתפר. ומה רע בזה? בכלל, מה רע בלשאול את הבוסים ישירות, “מה אני יכול לעשות כדי שיעריכו אותי יותר? מה המדדים פה? תפוקת קוד גבוהה יותר, יותר יוזמה, הצעות ייעול, הדרכה של חדשים? אני רק רוצה לדעת מה חשוב פה כדי לדעת איפה לרכז מאמצים.” אז תזכרו להבדיל, קנאה (Jealousy) זה לא דבר טוב אבל קנאה (Envy) זה סבבה אם זה גורם לכם לרצות להשתפר Continue Reading →

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Payment Structure

I’ve heard and read a lot recently about how companies structure their payments, which employees get what and how much should a CEO be paid. For one thing, I agree with California trying to enforce a maximum difference between a CEO’s salary and lowest paid employee. I don’t think it should be compared to the average salary but the median but it’s a good direction. I know that the community sharing type of structure isn’t for everyone but I like the idea of employees sharing in the benefits of a company like the way pirates divvy up treasure: everyone gets one part. Maybe team leaders get two or three parts. Higher management gets five or six parts. The chief officers might get eight or even ten parts. The point is, after you determine how many parts there are, you divide the revenue. This way, even the lowliest employee benefits when the company is doing better. The top brass earn the most because they do the hardest work, but every employee is invested — and rewarded — in the company being successful.

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Is Urbanisation Over?

With the pandemic on going, and large tech companies telling their employees to stay home for, possibly, the next year, and many realising that having an office to work out of is not a necessity, what I’m mostly thinking about is… What are the odds the pandemic will just be ever present? Or, what if it will stick around long enough so that the general urbanisation of the planet over the past few decades will just stop and people will start spreading around so that we end up with small rural communities that are more spread out? Reference: Lake Tahoe real-estate brokers are running out of homes to sell.

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Human Etiquette (or, The Art of Not Being a Dick)

Driving Etiquette, Lesson #2 When you want to do something different on the road, check yourself. If it’s going to force another driver to change direction, slow down or otherwise change what they’re doing, don’t do it. Except in emergencies.

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Human Etiquette (or, The Art of not Being a Dick)

Driving Etiquette, Lesson #1 If you want to change a lane, here is what you do. Step 1. Signal you wish to turn. But stay in your lane. Step 2. Check your mirrors to be sure you’re not going to make anyone slow down with your crossing and especially, that you won’t crash into anyone. Step 3. Change lane quickly and safely. Step 4. Turn the signal off. Addendum: If you wish to cross several lanes, perform steps 1 to 3 for the first lane and then repeat steps 1 to 3 for every subsequent lane. Important notes: DO NOT cross without signalling. DO NOT perform these steps out of order. DO NOT skip any of these steps. DO NOT use someone else’s sense of self preservation against them.

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