Unity Tidbit: Build Automation for iOS

Look, it’s now easy to build an app for iOS without an actual mac on your desk, using Unity Build Automation (formerly Unity Cloud Build). This is a summary of the official tutorial which is, by the way, unique. I mean, iOS is it’s own special part of the Build Automation guide. Here’s what you need to do: And that’s it! Easy, right? The answer is no, by the way. Glad to see it’s just as easy now as it was in a Game Jam long ago when someone asked as why we had an Android, PC, and web version of our game but no iPhone version. (I heard they stopped using the fax, though. Maybe it was outside my process.)

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Unity Tidbit: Null Coalescing Null Propagation With Nullable Structs

How to check for null and still get the primitive you want, in one line of code.

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General Update馃枛

Learned some new things at work. Mostly that even though I tried to make things modular, they need to be more modular. This is a dog-damned complicated system. Personally, I’ve got the basic mechanic for my new RPG set up and I’m looking for testers and thinking about how characters work.

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General Update馃枛

Recently I’ve been hard at work getting the latest milestone working at work and I’m almost there. It’s funny that I, again, have to write something to add to a common library that it should be doing itself but somehow doesn’t, but it’s always kind of fun. Personally, I’m mostly working on the design of the new RPG I’m making. I want to start testing basic mechanics if anyone wants to join. Just go to the Discord server.

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Unity Tidbit: WaitUntil, WaitWhile

If you’ve been working with Unity for any sort of while you’ve probably used Coroutines before. They’re not exactly the bread and butter of using Unity but they’re like the jam or honey you put immediately after. You’ve probably used a lot of “yield return null” to wait for the next frame before resuming execution? I bet you even have used a “yield return null” loop to check a predicate every frame before continuing. I’ve done it myself. I’ve even written a repeating coroutine helper that uses null to check a predicate before running a given action. Well… stop that. Recently (and by ‘recently’, I mean at least a year) Unity now has two new conditions you can use in coroutines: WaitUntil and WaitWhile and they do exactly what you think they do. Just use any of these two instead of your usual “yield return” and put in a function (even a lambda) that returns a boolean then the coroutine will handle the checking by itself. It’ll check every frame if the predicate is fulfilled and will break if it is or isn’t, respectively. The underlying code this represents is exactly the same like you wrote yourself before but now your code can be a lot more elegant. You’re welcome.

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