Cause and Effect is Learned

Simon Sinek’s guests always have interesting insights about society and practice and Dr. Michael Muthukrishna is no different. What caught me most about this episode is what he said about the most basic function of human fourth-dimensional thinking. I thought the ability to see a series of events and expect the next is just something you get used to. It’s how you teach your automatic motor functions to catch a ball when it’s thrown to you. Apparently, it’s a much more learned phenomenon and not something just inherent to the human existence.

I did, in the past, work for an auto-safety initiative in teaching young drivers how to be better faster. The most important thing on that curriculum is the biggest difference between new drivers and experienced ones is the depth and breadth of fourth-dimensional thinking. I explained to them how an experienced driver looks a lot further ahead, takes in the situation, and expects where dangers and obstacles could come from, adjusting their driving accordingly.

This also explains the person looking at me as I was riding my bike towards them and their dog blocking the entire road and only clearing some space for me when I stopped and gave them a questioning look.

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