Is there such a thing as a Super Perceptor?
A while back, a good friend of mine told me they’re a super-taster. I’m not sure if he’s officially diagnosed but what he described to me is that everything he tastes is very vivid and he can’t stand any kind of spicy food because even the mildest one is very spicy. Recently, this got me thinking: Is Super-Perceptor a thing? One of the things about me that I find is quite out of the ordinary is my really high perception. I can come back home and, even unintentionally, see what changed in the kitchen and know exactly what my wife had for lunch and sometimes even roughly when. I think this might be something borne out of my martial arts experience. When you train, you’re taught to notice even the subtlest muscle movements so you can counter appropriately at the right time, not too early and not too late. You’re probably thinking to yourself that this sounds like Sherlock Holmes and, yes, what is portrayed in the miniseries with Benedict Cumberbatch comes very close and what defines Sherlock, especially in that series, is that he is the best there is at percieving and analysing evidence. Unfortunately, it’s not all good. I think the same core cause is what also makes me very susceptible to motion and simulation sickness, it’s why touching most organic matter feels very uncomfortable for me, why Mindfulness Meditation just doesn’t work for me, why any subtle movement of the screen I’m looking at feels like a ship in stormy seas, and why anything around my neck feels like I’m about to choke. It also makes me wonder if it’s connected to my propensity for multi-tasking. I can and like to do several things at once, context switching a lot allows me to progress when I get stuck. Maybe it’s why I like having lots of spices in my food because, where others feel a convoluted mess of a dish, I can taste every individual piece. If only there was some way to test for this.Posted in Humanity, Me, No Category, Thinking Out Loud by Eran with comments disabled.