ביטוי הגיבור

אייל נכנס לחדר בדיקה שנראה כמו כל חדר בדיקה אחר שאי פעם נכנס אליו. בעיקר כי רובם המוחלט היו במתקן הבית של יחידת צמר”ת כולל זה שנכנס אליו עכשיו. הוא התיישב על הכיסא מול שולחן הקבלה ושם את ידיו בין רגליו, מנסה להתרווח ולא להשתעמם. מהר מאוד הוא עבר לשחק עם מתקן הנועד לתמוך ברגליים מורמות. למזלו, פחות משתי דקות עברו עד שנכנסה החובשת והתיישבה מאחורי שולחן הקבלה. “אייל אטרן?” היא שאלה כשהרימה את התיק שלו. “לא, הגלגול הנוכחי של משיח בן דוד.” “כן…” אמרה וניסתה להסתיר את החיוך. “שמעתי עליך. בוא ושב על המיטה,” היא קמה וטפחה על המיטה הפשוטה המכוסה בנייר שעמדה צמודה לקיר. בזמן שאייל פשט את חולצת המדים שלו והתיישב על המיטה, החובשת פשפשה בארון האביזרים שלה והוציאה שקית פלסטיק עם מחט כלשהי בתוכה. כמו כן, שלפה מבחנה קטנה מתבנית מלאה במבחנות זהות. בלי להגיד דבר נוסף ובמבט מקצועי וחודר, החובשת משכה את ידו של אייל לכיוונה, מקרבת את פי המרפק שלו. היא דחפה את המחט אל הוריד בתנועה אחת חלקה וחיברה אליה את המבחנה שמיד החלה להתמלא בדם. “לא שאני מפקפק, הרי לוקחים ממני דגימה דם כל כמה חודשים אבל למה הפעם?” ואז חיוכו של אייל הפך נבזי מעט וגבותיו ירדו. “אתם מנסים ליצור חיילי על?” החובשת הסתכלה עליו בגבה מורמת. “אפשר להגיד שכן.” “מה?!” אמר אייל. זאת כנראה הייתה הפעם הראשונה שאחת ההשערות המגוכחות שלו קיבלה תשובה חיובית. נתנאל לא יאמין לו. “כן. זה חלק מניסוי חדש שחוקר את הקשר בין התבטאות המחוננים לבין היכולת להתמודד עם טראומה.” “באמת?” “קוראים לזה עכשיו ביטוי הגיבור,” Continue Reading →

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Polyphasing – Special Update

Yesterday was a big test of my schedule. We had a wedding to go to, one of Maayan’s best friends. So, I was notified well in advance that we will be leaving early and returning late. So I had to move all my naps around to accommodate this, sometimes even taking naps with only three hours between them. But I also added another nap in the middle of the party just so I could stave off the tiredness. At first glance, it appeared to work. We had fun, I didn’t feel really tired. But on the way home, I got tired. We ended up parking around 3:00 and towards the end I was driving really slowly to be able to handle the vision phasing and the fact that I might just simply lose focus for a second. I walked Mozart and crashed right to bed slightly after the witching hour’s start. And then my phone, who appeared completely healthy, died during the night so my planned 6:30 wake up call turned into an 8:50 natural rise. Meaning I overslept into my first nap. So today I have to make due with only two naps and, hopefully, gather enough exhaustion to go back to my “regular” sleep schedule. I guess I’ll see how all of this effects me in a few days.

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Polyphasing – Day 9 Gone

So far seems to be going well. I’m starting to feel the sleep-dilation effect. That is, I sleep for 20 minutes and it feels like I’ve slept for an hour. Sometimes I think I can’t get to sleep but I’ve actually slept and woke up already. Yesterday, I woke up on my own after 15 minutes. But that might have been because of frightening dream I had. And today, I simply woke up. It took me a while to actually focus my mind but it was still faster than before. And I managed to finish my homework and took out the pup around 6:00. So, right now, I’m just concerned that I can survive this day properly since there is a wedding to go to this evening.

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Polyphasing – Day 7 Gone

While yesterday’s early rise was quite horrific, could barely keep my head up, actually dosed off for a few minutes in my chair, this morning was much better. I got up, solved my alarm rather quickly, walked out and started moving. I felt at roughly 50 or 60%. Now I feel closer to 40 but that too shall pass. So this is officially week one of the experiment and when I think about like that, like I’ve slept for only 4 hours a day, a total of only 28 hours, in the past week, that’s kind of amazing. And the interesting thing for me, I think, is that while I’m getting 2 hours more everyday and conventional wisdom says I should be barely functioning, I’m actually feeling super-energetic more and more often. Yesterday I went to my weekly Laundry-Service/Game-Night mash up and every time I had to go check on the laundry, I ran. Because I had crazy energy and walking felt insanely slow. So, there are still a few kinks to work out, especially now that school is restarting, but overall, I’m still calling this a success. And add to that the fact that I’m remembering more of my dreams more often.

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April Fools, Once Again

And as the silliest of all silly days on the internet is rolling in, here is the list of jokes I’ve seen today. To be updated as I see them. First up, Google Nose (Beta). As always, Google has an interesting thing to share. They will probably shut it down by 2018. And it looks like YouTube is bringing back The YouTube Collection. Google Maps now offers a Treasure Map Layer. Also YouTube declares the completion of its mission an end of day complete shut down. Google Australia offers the Google SCHMICK renovating tool (but not really). After many months of intensive research, Google Images now allow you to add emotions to your photos. And Gmail is getting Blue. Google Analytics is now tracking, in real time, all visits to your site from the International Space Station. Publisher Incorporate Apps now offers The Teleport Transporter. Yes, what you’re thinking. Only for Android. But it’s currently in beta so expect some bugs. The Google Play Publisher’s Console now has an Add Awesome Application Button. It will explain the concept, allow you to choose Google Engineers and then show you how many cups of coffee they drink. Samsung, also foreshadowing Earth Day (April 22nd) introduce the Samsung Smart Eco Trees. Automatic and require only water and S-olar Beams. Density of Smart Shaders may differ by season. Smart Eco Trees also support Group Play. They provide S-eeds for Smart Sharing and you may also boost your tree with the S-hit Fertilizer. The Guardian presents augmented reality Continue Reading →

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ועוד משהו

יש לי יום הולדת בקרוב. וכל עוד מספיק נוח לי לשכוח מהנושא ולא להתרגש יותר מדי, אני כן שמח כשמפתיעים אותי. אז מעין, בצורה לא חשודה לחלוטין עבדה על המתנה שלה כבר כמה חודשים. והיא גילתה לי אותה אתמול. זה נראה בערך ככה. כן, יש שם מקום לכל יום באפריל עד וכולל יום ההולדת שלי. אני מסוקרן אבל יש לי שליטה עצמית. אני אחכה למחר ואפתח רק תא אחד בכל יום. כמו שכתוב. זה צריך להיות מעניין. כמו כן, אם מישהו רוצה להיות מאוד נחמד ונדיב, זאת הרשימה שלי. רק ש-3 ו-4 כבר מתוכננים בעתיד הקרוב בכל מקרה.

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Polyphasing – Day 5 Gone

Sleeping over the weekend took some effort but I think I did ok. Still overall tired and I was hoping to get a much better improvement by now. I’m not back to a hundred percent maybe because I choose a regime that is not so extreme so the body and mind take their time to adjust. And maybe because I’m not that strict on what I eat. And right now I’m mostly at the state of “If I could only have coffee, or pop in for another quick nap, I’ll be fine” but lucky for me I have great self control and I’m good at taking hits. “It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.” — Mentat Mantra, Dune: The Movie This is what I thought yesterday as after 22:00, when most people are winding down and don’t have the strength to do anything other that sit down and be a potato, I had manic energy enough to make food for me and Maayan (two different plates), do another load of dishes, clean the sink and the counter top. And although I may feel like a normal day in which I didn’t sleep very well, I’m worried that with school coming back on tuesday, I might be not adapted enough. But I will persevere. Need to schedule Continue Reading →

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Polyphasing – Day 3 Gone

It is now 5:16 of day 4 of my polyphasic sleep experiment. While yesterday was tough and I think I probably overslept, I felt really good after my evening nap and ended up with a lot of manic energy so I washed another set of dishes and when Maayan came we went shopping and I made dinner. And by the time she was dead tired and wanted to go to sleep, I thought “What? It’s only 23:15! I’m wide awake.” and I ended up reading until about 1:00. And while waking up at 4:00 wasn’t particularly easy, I followed the ‘Jump out of Bed’ idea and didn’t even leave myself time to think about going back to sleep. And now I feel tired but awake. I’m not at a 100% energy, closer to 60%, but I’m keeping myself up and it doesn’t feel like the worst sleep deprivation I’ve ever had. 11:17, waking up from my morning nap, it felt like I didn’t sleep at all but I managed to get a grip and pull myself out of bed. After I did that, I felt better. And while before I took that nap it felt like it was noon (I was awake for about 4 hours), now it feels like half the day is already gone. And I feel great about it. There’s a small grain of tiredness in the back of my head but it doesn’t feel like the overwhelming sleep deprivation I had yesterday. I feel like I’m Continue Reading →

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Polyphasing – Day 1 Gone

7:40, the next morning, I’ve been awake for two hours and forty minutes. When I woke up, I felt like all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. It required a lot of willpower to not give in. While Steve Pavlina kept busy by reading and cooking, I’m grateful for my computer games. They keep me awake and entertained. Maybe I’ll do some cooking later in the week. 11:10, passed my first nap, I felt seriously tired leading up to this nap and it felt like I barely slept. I kept fading in and out of sleep and felt like I was fading in and out of lucid dreaming. It was like shifting from first to third person perspective and then some more back and forth. I woke up feeling like I haven’t slept at all and it looks like the next five hours of waking time will take a lot of willpower to accomplish. 20:26, we drove back home and are safe back in our apartment. I felt completely zombified through the 14:00, one hour drive, like that point where you admit you can’t be driving anymore only way past it. I took a nap around 16:00 and felt like I managed to sleep a little. Still felt tired when I woke up, thinking that I know why most people fail at this transition: it’s hard work. I fell tired and achy and always like I’ve been on my feet all day. But now, after some activity Continue Reading →

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I’ve Gone and Done it

Yesterday I looked at my calendar and realised I have nine days until school restarts and from reading Steve Pavlina‘s sleep blog I gathered that I takes roughly that amount of time to get through the adjustment period. So i decided to go for it now. This part of the blog will be in English so it will hopefully aid other people looking for info on polyphasic sleep. I’m not going straight for the Uberman but taking on the Everyman sleep schedule. Hopefully, it will be less of a drastic change and more flexible and compatible with the rest of the hibernating world. But this should still give me 4-4.5 hours of sleep in contrast with the 6-8 normally taken. So, as of time of writing, it is now 6:20 in the morning. I’ve been up for about an hour after sleeping for 3.5 hours. I’ve woken up rather easily. There is still a big of a fog in the brain and my typing speed is slower than usual but I’m not making too terrible of typing mistakes. I’ve spent the last hour on my morning routine and this is the last part of it. So far, I’m feeling good. I took several mid-day naps in the past few days and my last cup of coffee was about three days ago. And currently, I’m eating some junk. Which makes me wonder how well I will adjust since I’m an omnivore and Steve is a Herbivore. Update: It’s 10:30 and I Continue Reading →

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