Polyphasing – Day 7 Gone

While yesterday’s early rise was quite horrific, could barely keep my head up, actually dosed off for a few minutes in my chair, this morning was much better. I got up, solved my alarm rather quickly, walked out and started moving. I felt at roughly 50 or 60%. Now I feel closer to 40 but that too shall pass.

So this is officially week one of the experiment and when I think about like that, like I’ve slept for only 4 hours a day, a total of only 28 hours, in the past week, that’s kind of amazing.

And the interesting thing for me, I think, is that while I’m getting 2 hours more everyday and conventional wisdom says I should be barely functioning, I’m actually feeling super-energetic more and more often. Yesterday I went to my weekly Laundry-Service/Game-Night mash up and every time I had to go check on the laundry, I ran. Because I had crazy energy and walking felt insanely slow.

So, there are still a few kinks to work out, especially now that school is restarting, but overall, I’m still calling this a success. And add to that the fact that I’m remembering more of my dreams more often.

Posted in No Category by with 2 comments.


  • איל says:

    i’d find remembering your dreams as a negative sign, as this usually happens when REM sleep is disturbed…

    • Eran says:

      That’s what most people think but it’s only one way to look at it. Here’s another: dreaming all the way to the end of the REM cycle and then waking up after that, with the dream still fresh in your mind, as opposed to finishing the dream, dropping into the lower level 4 and 5 stages of sleep, then hitting the alarm and waking up groggy and tired.