Polyphasing – Special Update

Yesterday was a big test of my schedule. We had a wedding to go to, one of Maayan’s best friends. So, I was notified well in advance that we will be leaving early and returning late. So I had to move all my naps around to accommodate this, sometimes even taking naps with only three hours between them. But I also added another nap in the middle of the party just so I could stave off the tiredness.

At first glance, it appeared to work. We had fun, I didn’t feel really tired. But on the way home, I got tired. We ended up parking around 3:00 and towards the end I was driving really slowly to be able to handle the vision phasing and the fact that I might just simply lose focus for a second. I walked Mozart and crashed right to bed slightly after the witching hour’s start.

And then my phone, who appeared completely healthy, died during the night so my planned 6:30 wake up call turned into an 8:50 natural rise. Meaning I overslept into my first nap. So today I have to make due with only two naps and, hopefully, gather enough exhaustion to go back to my “regular” sleep schedule.

I guess I’ll see how all of this effects me in a few days.

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