Evans Blue

Are a band I got reacquainted with during my rerun of my favourite songs. I don’t know how they got there but I suppose I found them through the “radio” feature and decided they were cool enough. And after listening to all their albums, I have to say they are very cool. If you like hard rock with a tinge of thrash, you’ll like them. Here is a sample of my favourites among them.  

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What We Did For Our Anniversary

It all started off quite innocuously as I sent Maayan flowers to work on Wednesday, the actual date. Picture of bouquet to follow since the only other picture I have is in an MMS message and it will take more will power than I have right now to get it. Any road, I apparently set a bad example for husbands everywhere. We couldn’t do much for the actual anniversary since it was too much in the middle of the week. So we had to compensate. On Wednesday, after work, we went to one of our favourite restaurants and shared a burger. Which was kind of fun since another family in a table nearby celebrated a birthday.                                             And thanks to Keren who actually called to congratulate us. :) Next day was my big surprise day. Since it was Thursday, we could afford to do something that could be followed by not waking up in the morning. So, I took Maayan sailing. She mentioned something about it and I was actually planning it since last year but it was fun to actually put it into practice. We get to see Haifa a lot from all sorts of angles and we do think it’s a beautiful city. But there is only one way to see it like this and that is what we did.                   Continue Reading →

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So… New Job, eh?

Yes. New job. Not much to say about else-wise. It’s software engineering. The environment is great. I like the people. It’s security related so I can’t say much more. I still don’t understand all of it myself. So, my life just got a bit more complicated and hopefully for the best. More to follow. Eventually.

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Sometimes Goodbye is a “Second Chance”

I love my parents. I love the place where I grew up. But it’s a cradle. And you have to leave your cradle. It’s not just a metaphoric observation on some option in life, this is an imperative. I’m not saying everyone should leave their home but your home doesn’t make you who you are. Even your parents. Sure, you inherited their genetic material and that and the place you grew up in define you but they shouldn’t constrain you. You should go and find your own place in life. These are the kinds of thoughts that have been running through my head since I was ten. Yes, ten, I’m not kidding. Since then I was thinking about what I want to do with my life and where that life should take me. It took me until I was about 14-15 to really nail it down but I was thinking about it even then. And these are some of the main topics of my life. Because – and again, I mean no disrespect to my parents – but my father can be a bit pressuring at times, to the point where you think that you’re not the one running your own life. And I think this is one of the main reasons why I turned up the way I am, always have to do things my way, most often in the complete opposite way as everyone else, just so I could feel that I’m in control. And since this is Continue Reading →

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Taking Some Time

I am currently working on my last project of the semester. Basically, a client-server application I need to build from the ground up. Along with that, I’m gonna start a new job soon. My first professional, actually in my profession, work. Which means, I am very much trying to keep myself busy with the things I need to do. I have some things I want to write but those will have to wait until I can concentrate on anything other than work. Until then, this blog is going on hiatus. Until mid-September at least. So no worries.

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Eclipse, Tomcat and MySQL for Java Web Development

I am currently working on a web development project for school. Eclipse is pretty much a given. Tomcat is required by the guidelines and I decided to go with the MySQL as my database server. I took the instructions from this page. But here is my “Pro-Version” synopsis for savvy people who just want to get going. My system is a Windows 7 64-bit but this should be valid just about anywhere because these are platform independent bundles. Install the latest JDK if you haven’t already. (I am working of 7u5) Install Tomcat. You can lay it down anywhere, it’s just an unpack. (I use 7) Install Eclipse. It’s also an unpack. Unless you’re not doing Java at all (and here you are) there is no reason not to go for the JavaEE version which contains just about everything. (I use the Juno version) Make sure Eclipse knows where you’ve put your jdk. (If it’s not automatic, I’m sure you can figure it out by yourself) Install MySQL Community Edition (I have 5.5.27). Check in as new user and then select to skip the process. The installation itself is pretty straight forward. You’ll most likely want the developer install. And don’t forget to grab the connector/j library (Mine is 5.1.21) as well. Put connector/j library in a place you can find it. Like in the Java main directory or with your project. Go into your MySQL command prompt and create a new database (“create database something;”). Go back to Eclipse and open Continue Reading →

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The Mass Effect Finale

[SPOILER WARNING!] Every thing in this post is under a heavy spoiler warning. I am discussing Mass Effect in its entirety from start to finish but mostly how the trilogy ends. If you ever want to play it with out bias and haven’t yet, close this tab right now. However, if you haven’t played it yet, or just not the third one, there is a suggestion for you at the final paragraph. You should check it out. There was some hubbub on the internet regarding the ending of Mass Effect 3. I haven’t played the game with out the Extended Cut and from this I understand that there were some problems with it. But most of them have been solved to some extent. For me, looking at the endings according to the Extended Cut, I think they were good. There were some problems with them, I didn’t expect the “Fuck You” option to be the “You Lose” option and the added slideshow at the end really seems tacked on but I still thought the ending was epic. Honestly, throughout the second half of the game I was hoping it would get a Star-Control-2-Class ending. And I’m glad to say it did. Really. Beautiful. There were some hitches I can snag on but overall, I liked it. But after you step away with a sweet and sour taste in your mouth, you go online to see discussions of the endings and the entire trilogy and you come across the Indoctrination Theory (The Full Continue Reading →

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Mass Effect: Books, Gender, Emotions

I’m not gonna write a review for Mass Effect 3. I don’t think I need to. If you care about it in any way, you probably heard all you needed to hear if not already played it yourself. And if not, what will it matter anyway? I do, however, wish to impart some thoughts upon it and the Mass Effect universe in general. So today I will stress three points: The Books, Shepard’s Gender and Why it Matters, and How This Game Triggered Some Serious Emotions. The last part contains what are probably heavy spoilers for the third game and at least minor ones for the second so you can skip it if you don’t want that segment ruined. I am talking about after the second Priority: Citadel. The Mass Effect Books. There are currently three Mass Effect books (The fourth has been pulled for serious inconsistencies): Revelation, Ascension and Retribution. It’s always a problem when you adopt a property from one medium to another. You rarely get it perfectly right. The books do get the benefit of having one of the writers of the game (not the lead one, though) writing them so that is something. And I listened to them – and read the comics – because the universe was so awesome I didn’t want to miss anything. Same reason why I go for every mission I can find in the game. And I was hoping for some extra info on the universe that maybe explains some things that Continue Reading →

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David Chillag R.I.P.

I didn’t really know him except through his video lectures and a few live ones I sat through but he truly was a phenomenon. In the Technion there is a running joke that David Chillag is the king and Eliza Malek is the queen of the Mathematics department. It’s a joke that is filled with truth. And I think the sadder part is that future generations will know what they lost. Because every possible Math course in the Technion’s video library is lectured by David Chillag. And I suspect that won’t change unless the material will have a serious overhaul, which won’t happen any time soon. It’s not easy, especially these days, to find a teacher with such an impact that it colours your studies through and through. But Chillag is one of those people whose kindness, attention, social flow and plain old educational skill couldn’t help but leave a mark on so many students. I really do suspect thousands or maybe even tens of thousands mourn his loss even though maybe a quarter of them actually met him in person. He was like Sagan or Feynman. Even though they are long dead, their teachings and strong drive for education still accompany us today. I’m sure Chillag’s spirit will be with us for a while longer. And in the afterlife halls where you stay until you’re forgotten he’s sitting next to those two right now. Maybe calculating the odds on which of them goes first.  

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Post-Exam Update (Garlic Butter)

The last exam is finally over. I hope I did well enough because I know it wasn’t great. I ended up not going to reserve service. Hooray for me! Eight more days of actual life. Now I just need to work on my final project for this semester and all will be well. Got three weeks to go, gonna get a read on it this weekend and start in earnest next week. Hopefully, we can be done rather quickly. And just to make it a bit more interesting, here is something Maayan and me started doing because it’s so easy and tasty… Garlic Butter Requirements: 1 Large Israeli Garlic Bulb 150 grams of butter (Roughly, adjust according to taste) Salt One Oven Tin Foil Total Time: Roughly 15 minutes of actual work. About an hour of waiting. Total cost: About 8 Shekels (One garlic bulb costs next to nothing) Proceedings: Take one garlic bulb and wrap it completely in tin foil Warm your oven to 180 degrees with the top section and circulation Shove the garlic in there and wait an hour. This might be a good time to let the butter out to melt. Take out the garlic, unwrap it and empty all the cloves into a bowl. Add the butter and mix vigorously. Add one half teaspoon of salt (also adjust according to taste) and mix again. Don’t over use. :) We like this one because it might be unhealthy (82% fat in the butter) but we love butter Continue Reading →

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