What We Did For Our Anniversary

It all started off quite innocuously as I sent Maayan flowers to work on Wednesday, the actual date. Picture of bouquet to follow since the only other picture I have is in an MMS message and it will take more will power than I have right now to get it. Any road, I apparently set a bad example for husbands everywhere.

We couldn’t do much for the actual anniversary since it was too much in the middle of the week. So we had to compensate. On Wednesday, after work, we went to one of our favourite restaurants and shared a burger. Which was kind of fun since another family in a table nearby celebrated a birthday.























And thanks to Keren who actually called to congratulate us. :)

Next day was my big surprise day. Since it was Thursday, we could afford to do something that could be followed by not waking up in the morning. So, I took Maayan sailing. She mentioned something about it and I was actually planning it since last year but it was fun to actually put it into practice. We get to see Haifa a lot from all sorts of angles and we do think it’s a beautiful city. But there is only one way to see it like this and that is what we did.






























It was great fun and we had a wonderful time even though the timey wimey was wibbly wobbly… or something like that. Maayan loved it and that’s all I care about.

And on Friday, we planned to do something nice together. So we really pulled all the stops and made a full dinner for the both of us. We did that and we watched Scott Pilgrim again, the movie we skipped out, the night before the wedding, to watch.









This little thing? Oh, it’s nothing. Just 5-6 hours work for about 30 minutes of good dining. But here are the flowers I promised.

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