יומן המסע של ראת’אריאל – יום 27, המשך
כנראה שלשחרר את האלף לא היה רעיון הכי טוב. כי בזמן שישבנו בתא הפרטי שלנו, הוא התפרע שוב וניסה לתקוף את הילדה. ידידנו פראנץ הרים קיר חוסם כנגדו אבל היה צריך לפתור את הנושא בצורה טיפה יותר פרקטית. אני זינקתי מעבר לשולחן המפריד, תפסתי יד, שמתי ברך על צוואר וריתקתי אותו לכיסא. זה נתן לנו את הזמן לאזוק אותו בצורה מעט יותר קבועה. ואז התחיל הדיון על מה עושים עכשיו. מתברר כי האיש אותו הם ניסו לגייס לצידם כי הוא כנראה גם נגד טופר האיזמרגד, לא שיתף פעולה במיוחד והוא כנראה זה שהטיל עליהם את הלחשים האלו. ועכשיו הוא נעלם. כמו כן, התברר כי על האלף מוטל לא רק Feeblemind אלא גם Dominate Monster. זאת אומרת, מישהו מאוד מאוד חזק השתלט לו על המוח. האביר הטיל עליו משהו שנקרא Protection from Evil, לחש שאולי קצת מטריד אותי, אבל אמור לפחות למנוע את ההשתלטות המוחית לבינתיים. ועכשיו, אחרי שגם האביר וגם הילדה, שכנראה שניהם מטילי לחשים מנוסים, ניסו להסיר את הקללות ללא הצלחה, הם ניסו לחשוב על מה אפשר לעשות. המחשבה הייתה לנסות לרדוף אחרי המכשף שברח. שלמען האמת, אם הם היו מסבירים את המצב יותר טוב מלכתחילה, אולי הייתי יכולה לתפוס לפני שהסתלק מהרכבת. ומכיוון שהם ראו מה גם פראנץ, וגם אני, וגם החזיר המדבר של פראנץ מסוגלים לעשות, הם רצו שנצטרף אליהם ונעזור להם. ובעוד שבהחלט נהניתי מהבידור הרגעי שכל העניין סיפק במהלך נסיעת רכבת מאוד משעממת, עדיין היינו צריכים להגיע לאן שהוא. ונכון, ייקח לנו כמה ימים להגיע לשם, אבל לא הייתי רוצה לשנות כיוון אלא אם כן Continue Reading →
Posted in From the Writing Desk, Gaming, Role-Playing by Eran with comments disabled.
יומן המסע של ראת’אריאל – יום 27
אני ופראנץ, לאחר שעזרתי לו מול יחידה קטנה של הטופר ולאחר ששכנענו אחד מהם להגיד לנו איפה אנחנו יכולים למצוא יותר מידע על המפלצת, עלינו על רכבת שתביא אותנו אל עיר ממנה נוכל לקחת סוסים אל היעד הבא שלנו. וכרגיל, גם עם הברדס על הראש, אנשים נדחו ממני כמו ממצורעת. זנב, אני מניחה, הרבה יותר קשה להסתיר. אז אולי טוב שפראנץ התעקש על כך שניקח תא לעצמנו. לא ציפיתי שיקרה הרבה במסע משעמם של 10 שעות אל העיר הבאה אבל לא עבר הרבה זמן עד שהתחילה המהומה. לי לא ממש היה אכפת כל עוד הרכבת ממשיכה בדרכה אבל פראנץ רצה ללכת לבדוק מה קורה והרבה יותר משעמם להישאר לבד. הגענו אל אחד הקרונות האחרונים, כזה עם מושב שהוא ספסל פשוט ותו לא ושם מצאנו איזה אביר משוריין שמנסה להשתלט על ילדה קטנה ואלף שבקושי הגיב למה שקורה סביבו. נעמדנו בפינת הקרון בניסיון להבין מה בדיוק קורה. ואז פתאום האביר הסתובב לאחור והחל ללכת אל מחוץ לקרון כשראה אותנו והחל לתחקר אותנו. הוא יצא אל מחוץ לקרון, עשה שם משהו לא ברור ואז חזר. הילדה קפצה עליו וחיבקה אותו והוא לקח אותה החוצה. בזמן הזה, ניסיתי להבין מה לא בסדר עם האלף אבל הוא רק נהם אליי. וברגע שניסיתי לנפנף מולו קצת אוכל, הוא זינק ממקומו וניסה לדחוף את האביר מעבר למעקה של הגשר המחבר בין הקרונות. אני קפצתי עליו וריסנתי אותו אבל לא לפני שהוא הצליח להעיף את האביר והילדה מהרכבת. הוא ניסה להשתחרר מהאחיזה שלי ובתגובה לזה פשוט ריתקתי אותו לצד הקרון. לפחות שלא יגרום לעוד נזק. לא ציפיתי Continue Reading →
Posted in From the Writing Desk, Gaming, Role-Playing by Eran with comments disabled.
In the Midst of a Tropical Shitstorm
Came into the Cholganna system and nearly ran into an asteroid field but got ahead of it. Found some energy signatures on the surface and floating droid craft debris. Ancient things, Clone Wars age fighters and bombers. Which make me wonder what really happened to the Sa Nalaor. She obviously didn’t just run aground. Sensors detected the planet was about to be eaten by a nebula so we buttoned down the hatches and headed down. Landed on a beach in the equator. Tasted the atmosphere, squashed the sand and then took off in search of energy signatures. Found a downed escape pod and something else on the other side of the planet. Took it down next to the escape pod. Trimmed the trees a bit but nothing too bad. Found a cloud of green insects outside. As they started biting, I ran for the escape pod. Trip lit up a stick and started waving it about. Naritt lip up the canopy. Jax fired into the cloud. Zimir ran back to the ship. Green things annoyed me but I went in. Found the pod’s designation: 34-BESH. Zimir came up with the great idea to fire up the ship’s thrusters to burn all the insects. It worked, they all blew away. We found glowing green things stuck to the inside of the pod. Because of the hurry, I tried to pull the memory core but couldn’t get it. But it did become obvious that this fits the description of a Sa Nalaor Continue Reading →
Posted in From the Writing Desk, Gaming, Role-Playing by Eran with comments disabled.
Space Station Lives of Others
Jax decided to check the public records for any info on the Sa Nalaor. Naritt went looking for rumors and scuttlebutt about the Sa Nalaor. An Isotech message pod hit an Yiyar clan ship. Went to dig some info on the ship that got damaged. It’s the Nightflyer, the Yiyar ship. Apparently, an Isotech ship snatched up the damaging message pod and flew away. Saw Rodian spying, gave chase, caught him and engaged. Naritt joined. Subdued Rodian. Cops showed up. Everyone escorted away. Rodian was covered by a bunch of other questionable folks and we had to let it go. Went to meet Shira, Reom’s sister, and escort her to the Isotech offices. Found some data on where the Sa Nalaor is. Reom asked us to find it and grab the tech on it as it was worth a lot. Jax tried to hack the pod but it didn’t work out so well for him. Got an advance on the mission payment of 1500 to use for supplies. Called to the hanger to pick up the droid. Went there and found the droid and four Rodians that didn’t really want to leave the bot alone. We shot them up expertly and rescued the droid, and some equipment too. Got the coordinates from the droid and started flying towards the target. Took a misstep on the final jump but made it alright to Cholganna, one final stop before final destination. “20 minutes to destination…” The computer notification beeped and Throutek closed Continue Reading →
Posted in From the Writing Desk, Gaming, Role-Playing by Eran with comments disabled.
The House of Ill Gotten Gains and Disrepute
After much deliberation I had not much say in because of my injuries, I managed to actually fly the ship back to Mos Entha where Naritt and Zamir found a local Hutt to sell the water rights to. After some back and forth that I’m glad I didn’t have to do myself, we agreed on a price, the Hutt took off to see his new acquisitions — we threw in the location of the abandoned research lab for free — while we took off back to our original employer. We docked at the wheel a couple of days later and met with our Isotech contact. He schlepped something out about not fulfilling our contract completely because we let the laboratory and the water mine get taken over by a Hutt. We bit the bullet because the Hutt paid a lot for it. Then, when we asked what is next on the agenda, he told us he is waiting on his sister to come back with some information on an old Republic ship that went missing, something very valuable. So, of course, we couldn’t just sit our asses down. We went to investigate.
Posted in From the Writing Desk, Gaming, Role-Playing by Eran with comments disabled.
First Encounters and the Screams of Dying Plans
We flew over to where the blip showed on the map. What we found was a Sand People encampment around a small mountain. We surveyed the area and decided to land a bit farther away, I still prefer to keep the Badger as safe as possible, at least as long as it’s not paid for. So we walked. And what we found from the ground level was lots of buildings but few people and an entrance into the mountain from which people exited, looking not very happy. At the entrance to the mine we found the object of our search, Jaa Adik. We explained that we meant no harm and just wanted to see what the fuss was all about add our mission was to ascertain what happened. Inside the mine we found containers of water and crates of explosives. That was the point I started to think that maybe we should just go away. But before we could leave, an explosion buried us in, causing a boulder to mangle my arm. After everyone was excavated from the rubble, I called it quits and headed outside, hoping to reach safe ground before passing out. But outside the cave, Jaa Adik was waiting with open guns. I drew my own but he managed to shoot first, burning my side and thoroughly disabling my left arm. I managed to duck out of the way and then the rest came and battled him out. At the end, I was saved from unconsciousness by Continue Reading →
Posted in From the Writing Desk, Gaming, Role-Playing by Eran with comments disabled.
Blasted Droids and Flashing Lights
Throutek lost balance for a second and almost sent the white paste down the wrong hole. He quickly put down the bowl next to the console and coughed, causing his side to sting and burn. He lifted up his shirt and looked at the bandages with the tiny red smudge covering his left waist. At least it’s not as bad as Naritt got. He spat at the nearby bin and tried to swallow the rest before he continued typing. As we were scouring the operations room’s computers and electronics, a previously locked door opened and a bunch of worker droids filed out. I wasn’t expecting them to, but not really surprised, when they started to attack us. With welding tools, of all things. Me and Naritt engaged with blasters after the droids started advancing. We managed to take out three of the four droids, even after Zimir wanted to keep one for himself. Then a proper security droid showed up and blasted Naritt and me before I got the luckiest shot of my life and hit his central power source or something, making it explode. We quickly bandaged what we could and started scouring the rest of the facility. We found a couple of stimpacks which Naritt needed more than me. Then we found a report saying the goal of the whole facility was moot. And the map in the operations room displayed a coordinate which was probably where our target was headed, the next stage of this search. As Continue Reading →
Posted in From the Writing Desk, Gaming, Role-Playing by Eran with comments disabled.
Throutek and a Band of Misfits
Captain’s Log, I’ve been in the Rim for a week. I’ve managed to acquire a ship. It’s a refurbished clunker on the cheap but it was still too much for me to afford and since I already had to clean it, derust and debuff it, I didn’t bother erasing the strange, snarling, black and white animal painted on its side. This led to a long service contract for a corporation known as Isotech and a chance alliance with a bunch of other ne’er-do-wells, the least weird of which is a human. The others were an over eager droid and self-important Drall. Competent as I am on my own, my skill set does not cover every possible occurrence on the Rim and so their addition to the crew was acceptable. On our first assignment together, we had to go to a desert wasteland called Tatooine and find an informant. Apparently, Isotech sent someone to find a hidden facility and that someone disappeared. We went to the surface, found the informant and received the coordinates of the facility. Not wanting to risk the ship by landing it in the middle of no where, we took a couple of local beasts on a few hours trek into the desert where we found the facility’s entrance. Inside we found a fully operational underground base hidden in the dunes but it was completely deserted. Throutek leaned back in his chair, taking a break from the writing to consume another spoonful of the dull, nutrient rich, Continue Reading →
Posted in From the Writing Desk, Gaming, Role-Playing by Eran with comments disabled.
Throutek’s Second Chance
My parents, By the time you read this, I will be outside Ascendancy space. Do not try and reach me. Even if you could, I have no intention of turning back. I have tried to be the person you wanted me to be, the person everyone wanted me to be. But, much as I tried, it appears that I can’t. I am not like other Chiss. I have… desires. I wish to see, to experience. I wish to know. And, be your reasons as they may, yours and grandma’s decline to talk about who my grandfather is and where he had gone has driven me to search on my own. And I cannot find the answers I seek inside the Ascendancy. I took a merchant ship to a way station and from there a transport to the core. I am now making my way to the eastern rim, somewhere along the Perlemian Trade Route. I might write further letters and I might not. I might return and I might not. I know it is not exactly customary in our society but know that I love you and will always cherish all that you have done for me. Who knows? Sometimes goodbye could be a second chance. Your son, always, Route The old woman put the pad down on the table and looked at Throutek’s parents. She thought about it until his mother couldn’t wait no longer. “Well, mother, what do you think?” “I should have known that saying nothing would lead Continue Reading →
Posted in From the Writing Desk, Gaming, Role-Playing by Eran with comments disabled.
The End
This is an attempt at a new style of storytelling/gaming/roleplaying. This is, at its base, a Twine game-story but I want to build it based on user input. It starts with the first passage. I will add choices and passages based on user input. Please say so in the comments. Tell me which passage and what option would you like. Don’t feel bad but whenever the comments will get too numerous, they will be pruned. Thank you for participating in my experiment. This is it. This is The End.
Posted in Art, Gaming, Programming, Role-Playing, Stories by Eran with 4 comments.