Blasted Droids and Flashing Lights

Throutek lost balance for a second and almost sent the white paste down the wrong hole. He quickly put down the bowl next to the console and coughed, causing his side to sting and burn. He lifted up his shirt and looked at the bandages with the tiny red smudge covering his left waist. At least it’s not as bad as Naritt got. He spat at the nearby bin and tried to swallow the rest before he continued typing.

As we were scouring the operations room’s computers and electronics, a previously locked door opened and a bunch of worker droids filed out. I wasn’t expecting them to, but not really surprised, when they started to attack us. With welding tools, of all things.

Me and Naritt engaged with blasters after the droids started advancing. We managed to take out three of the four droids, even after Zimir wanted to keep one for himself. Then a proper security droid showed up and blasted Naritt and me before I got the luckiest shot of my life and hit his central power source or something, making it explode.

We quickly bandaged what we could and started scouring the rest of the facility. We found a couple of stimpacks which Naritt needed more than me. Then we found a report saying the goal of the whole facility was moot. And the map in the operations room displayed a coordinate which was probably where our target was headed, the next stage of this search.

As it was several days by land and only a few hours by ship, we doubled back and took the Honey Badger out. We’ll see what happens when we get there.

Throutek saved the entry before picking up the bowl again. He finished the nutritional paste as he reread his own words. Then he closed the console and walked to the ship’s lounge. Maybe Zimir feels like passing the time with a game of chess.

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