Unity Tidbit: Build Automation for iOS

Look, it’s now easy to build an app for iOS without an actual mac on your desk, using Unity Build Automation (formerly Unity Cloud Build). This is a summary of the official tutorial which is, by the way, unique. I mean, iOS is it’s own special part of the Build Automation guide. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Create a new Build Configuration for an iOS app.
  2. Setup all the things you need like name, repo branch, etc…
  3. Use a mac’s Keychain to create a Certificate Signing Request (this is 1 of 2 parts of the tutorial where you actually need a mac). Let’s call it “Hey! It’s me!”.
  4. Get into the Apple Developer program.
  5. Go to your Certificates and create a new one.
  6. It will ask for your “Hey! It’s me!”. Give it to it. We’ll call the new one “Oh yeah, it’s you”.
  7. When it’s done, download the “Oh yeah, it’s you” and save it very carefully. Also put your “Oh yeah, it’s you” ID number near it.
  8. Double click “Oh yeah, it’s you” and it will join your Keychain (coming up to the 2nd part).
  9. In your Keychain, go to Login, My Certificates, it should be the latest one (this is the 2nd part). Right click and export it as a p12 file. We’ll call it “They know my name!”. It needs a password. Don’t forget it.
  10. You then need to create your App ID for Apple and a provisioning profile with your target, app ID, certificate, and devices. We’ll call it “We’ll Allow It”.
  11. Then, in your build configuration, paste in your bundle ID (Don’t mess it up or Tim Apple will be angry…), and add new credentials.
  12. Give it a name.
  13. Then give it your “We’ll Allow It”, your “They know my name!” and your “They know my name!” password.

And that’s it! Easy, right? The answer is no, by the way.

Glad to see it’s just as easy now as it was in a Game Jam long ago when someone asked as why we had an Android, PC, and web version of our game but no iPhone version.

(I heard they stopped using the fax, though. Maybe it was outside my process.)

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