The Last APOD Wallpaper Pack
I started making these packs a while ago because I found a lot of APOD images to be very high quality, quite beautiful, and a great addition to any wallpaper collection. I would go over each year’s images, filter out those that are good looking, conform to a standard 16:9 format (or can be mildly squashed/stretched to fit) or with a background that allows them to sit neatly with black borders, and collect them all in a special folder for wallpaper use.
I kind of fell off the wagon for a bit until a good friend of mine told me she likes it and wanted more of it. So I did more of them. Then, a ten years ago, said friend tragically died. That hurt, a lot, and I lost the passion for it. Then I realised that this past February would have been Keren Embar’s 46th birthday and this year we will be marking a decade of our loss. I’m crying now just thinking about it. Not just because she was a very meaningful friend and one of the best people I ever knew, but this was also a great loss for her doctorate field and could have done so much for science and our understanding of our environment. Just a glancing search for her name pulled up tens of papers, citations, and articles about her work, even though she just finished her PhD before she died.
I don’t think I’ll do more of these. But I wanted to do this, as another way of remembering her. So, here you go, the last APOD Wallpaper pack.

(This is a link to my Dropbox so I will guarantee it that this link won’t last long, hopefully at least until the end of the year.
Posted in No Category and tagged APOD, Remember by Eran with comments disabled.