People’s Deficiencies and Identities: The Bugs and the Features
In case this needs to be addressed, it’s a common joke among programmers and those immersed in the process of software design; “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature”. It has actually been true in various circumstances that something in a program was not planned, produced some interesting results and the creator and/or user decided they want to keep it.

I listened to this episode on the way to work. It’s about a computer subroutine mostly responsible for a sensor array that, being exposed to some other input, starts developing wants and desires. Some people might see this as a software bug and other might view it as a feature.
Now, let’s talk about people. In general, among progressive people, homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderness, other ways of living non-normatively are considered just variations of the human experience, something that wasn’t a choice but that is necessarily harmful to the general organism (society) or something that can be alleviated while keeping that individual sane and happy. It wasn’t always like this (and it’s not completely like this, right now, I know). It was once considered a bug. Bugs like this went into psychological diagnostic manuals. But it’s becoming more recognised and accepted, turning from a bug into a feature.
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