Solving Problems, the Doom Way

If you get that sinking feeling, the dread that, in just a second, things are going to go horribly wrong, then switch to the Rocket Launcher or, better yet, the BFG.

Guaranteed to make everything OK again.

Explanation: Doom 3 is a very scary game. It does that, usually, by having things jump at you just when you think it’s all fine and dandy.
First of all, you pass by an innocent looking wall panel and suddenly it shifts out of place revealing an Imp that wastes no time in shoving a plasma ball up your ass. You dispatch it and go for the armor shards only to have another wall panel, inside the already open one, slide away unleashing another Imp.
Secondly, and it happened to me several times already, you’re running through a normal looking corridor and you open the door. You only get to see that Imp or Revenant before a chemically propelled projectile is headed your way or a clawed hand is coming for your throat. And it happened way too many times already.

So that’s the general idea: If you think everything is going your way, you must be in the wrong lane.

Switch to a Rocket Launcher.

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