The Modern Ronin – Strange Markings

She saw him lying on the sofa as she got up in the middle of the night for a glass of warm milk, one hand was over his eyes and the other loosely holding the holster of his weapon, still haphazardly attached to his right thigh. She was wearing a bath robe, he was still in the same clothes he wore when they wrapped up late last night, or early this morning. And they were a jumbled mess around him, probably the results of several tossings and turnings.
With one hand on the closed fridge, she pondered this moment. And then she let go and moved towards him. There was one thing she was curious about and perhaps, asleep, he wouldn’t mind if she went nosing about. She drew closer to him and knelt besides the sofa. His shirt was half hiked up his torso as it is, she only needed to nudge it further by a little bit. And there it was, that strange birthmark.
On his right waist, and stretching towards his navel, terminating just short of it, was a strange assortment of what, if not a birthmark, looked like a series of strange bruises. On his waist was something circular with an unidentifiable zigzagging shape inside of it. Extending from it was what looked like a misshapen and probably molten wrench and another strange zigzagging pattern. The whole thing looked like the contours of a lilli-pad city or an offshore island severely bent out of shape.
That shape reminded her of something. It was nagging at the back of her mind and she couldn’t reach for it. Something lost in time, something long forgotten. She knew it was there but couldn’t get to it. She was tracing the contours of the birthmark with her finger, trying to stir up those memories, when she felt she was being watched. She slowly looked up and saw that Lahav had his hand on his forehead and was staring down at her. He wasn’t accusing, not afraid or apprehensive, he didn’t even seem annoyed. He was just studying her, her actions, her expressions. And he didn’t say a word.
“I’m sorry,” she said and wrenched herself back to her feet.
Those dark blue eyes, now filled only with curiosity, followed her as she left the room.

Posted in From the Writing Desk by with 11 comments.


  • Eran says:

    הכוונה ל”אל תתן למישהו לזהות מה זה.”
    מכירה את המשפט הזה: “רובה על האח במערכה הראשונה ירה במערכה השלישית”?
    אז אני רק מחביא דילינג’ר איפה שהוא מאחורי הוזה.