
I know how to get from point A to point B
And I know how to get there faster
I can do it on one wheel, two wheels or more
I can do it when B is underwater

I can get to point B unseen, silently
And when A is many thousand feet higher
I can go back and forth, side to side and return
All the way and then back to the starter

I can reach point B if it’s struggling against me
I know what I need to subdue it
I can stun it, shock it, disable or kill it
I can also leave it there and be done with

I can get to point B if it’s moving itself
I can grab it, put it down and remind it
That space-time is my own, mine to control
And you, point, are just living inside it

I can travel where light is strained to its limit
That, and a Planck magnitude slower
I can hop through dimensions, infinity and beyond
I can do that and be back home for supper

I can explore in many directions at once
I don’t let laws of physics constrain me
I can take you with me, this is your chance
But that’s not why I tell you my story

Why don’t you teach me
A new way to move?

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