Weaponless: The Future Cop

“I can handle it,” Lighter said. He clung to the wall of the building and looked over the corner at the street behind it.
“Oh really?” Shugumi asked, crouching near him. “With no ammunition and no support? Since when are you authorized to ‘handle’ tanks?”
“It’ll destroy the entire street. I’m not waiting for Alphas to get here.” He flicked down his visor and pulled on a massive glove.
“But,” The short Asian guy tried to protest but Lighter was already gone in a sudden gust of gale force wind.
What was terrorizing the street was not a tank in the traditional since of the word but for lack of a better definition. It was a metal behemoth at least three stories high and walked on six machine legs as opposed to rolling on tracks. But, similar to other tanks, it did leave a waft of destruction in its wake.
Seeing Lighter as he moved was not the easiest thing but his friends have found ways of tracking him for he was not very clean at his work. Moving at super human speeds leaves a trail and when Lighter really put an effort he would break the sound barrier, shattering anything that was fragile enough. Lighter’s haste was famous among the Protectors and civilians alike. Mostly infamous.
He ran out from behind the cover and zoomed towards the other end of the street. There was a hotel there but for him it was a stepping stone. He ran towards it and up the side of the building, gathering speed as he did so. Halfway across the block he was already creating turbulences that ripped curtains from their hangings and threatened hinges. When he got close enough to the tank he jumped, rocketing across the avenue and into the side of the metal monster, fist first. The thunder of the impact reverberated from building to building, forcing anyone present to cover their ears or risk a ruptured eardrum. The force sent the tank careening off its thin base, into the building on the other side of the street, an office structure of sorts, and down to the street.
Shugumi saw the wriggling killer robot and thought to jump upon the situation. But the fact its feet found no traction didn’t prevent it from using its massive armament. So high caliber shells and forays of particle beams still pinned down any ground support.
Lighter, however, did not waste time. The impact broke his ability to use his right hand if not every bone in it and so he switched the glove to his left and it adjusted to fit it. Punching with a rate that would shame an electrical machine gun, it didn’t take long to pierce even this armored skin and so it was a matter of seconds before Lighter was in through the side of the turret.
As the legs of the tank tried to regain footing and its turret was discharging every sort of modern ordnance in every possible direction, Lighter was unleashing inside. Ripping wires, bashing conduits and obliterating components, Lighter did what he did best: cause havoc.
When the endless hail of bullets and high-energy particles finally stopped, Shugumi came out of his hiding place and so did the other Protector units and regular police officers. They all closed in on the metal hulk. Banging noises were soon heard from the front of robot and a door flew open. Lighter stepped out, forcing his way through over turned machinery and falling parts. Wrenching himself free of entangling wires he stepped out into the pavement and looked at the people gathering around.
“Left handed!” He shouted and raised his gloved hand up high.
Shugumi slowly walked up to him and slapped the back of his head.

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