Global Game Jam 2015

Because the Italy posts are still under review, it’s time to write something new. Well, it’s a good thing it’s the end of January because Global Game Jam!

I think my illness messed up my sleep schedule because I feel just more tired, especially in the mornings, and so it took me more time than I intended to just get out the door. I eventually got to the new site (Beit Ha’eer) in time to sign in and hear the opening statements.

After the announcements, I mostly walked around as I didn’t really have ideas popping out of every whole. I ended up at the Room where Amit took over a table and so I listened to him and Jeremie and joined the conversation with them and some others and after 15-20 minutes of back and forth, we had an idea for a game. We gathered the remaining personnel and got to work.

Our idea was to combine three games into one but have them all controlled by one button (hitting that diversifier, maybe Stephen Hawking will want to play our game). And, quite surprisingly, we had somewhat fleshed out prototypes and even a combination of all three by the end of the first day. Which is quite nice.

Now, it is the beginning of day two and we should be wrapping up, fixing bugs, polishing, tweaking and getting some sounds and music in.

We could do that in 9 hours. No problem.

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