You Can’t Stop the Signal!

First of all, Serenity is an awesome movie and Joss Whedon is still one of my favorite writes in the industry, any industry.

Last night, me and my brother had a three-picture deal. I didn’t sleep a lot because I had something to do early in the morning and didn’t sleep until the showing (I got my bank account, yay!). We started late, around 21:30, and so the times were against us.

First off was Primer, the movie I missed at Icon. It’s about a group of scientists that work in a garage on a strange device that apparently can rewind time. It’s like a “quick-save” device. You turn it on and when you want to, after some time, you can step into it and travel back in time to when you turned it on. The problem is that the time is real both ways and a 6 hour travel to the past takes 6 hours.

That’s about all I managed to glean from the movie because it was weird beyond belief. But it was cool. I think I need to watch it again, only this time with proper sleep because I nearly lost conciousness.

Which didn’t happen with Serenity. Serenity was interesting all the way through. If anyone doesn’t know, Serenity is a sequel to the Firefly television series and it happens several months after the last episode. Sheaperd Book and Inara are off the ship and the Alliance sent an “Operative” to recover River Tam because she knows something that could do some serious damage.

Like always, the writing is excellent and you can see it in the trailer. Joss even takes action cliches and turn them around. In the begining, and you see it in the trailer, Jayne hits someone across the chest and like in every movie, he does a vertical 180 but this time Jayne catches his legs and slams his head on the floor.

The characters are as real as they were on the series. Each have their way of dealing with things, from the girlish contemplation of Kaylee, through the rough ‘looking out for number one’ personality of Jayne, all the way to ‘I’m a crook but a good one’ mannerism of Mal.

The action is also spectacular and the fact is there isn’t that much shooting involved. River’s fighting style is awesome and though I found it a bit too theatrical in the bar scene, I loved it against the Reavers in the end.

The Reavers. You get to see the Reavers in the movie for the first time and I have to say that I like Joss’ decision to make them animalistic yet human. Not too flashy, not too gruesome just ‘Humans gone bad’. They also play a major role in the conflict but you’ll have to watch the movie to know.
After Serenity we watched Code 46. A movie with Tim Robinson and the girl from Minority Report about a post-apocalyptic world where they pay extra attention to gene diversity. I have to say I didn’t quite catch on to much that was on the screen, the DVD fucked up a lot, it was way too late and I fell asleep near the end.

It’s one of those movies you have to see in daylight and pay great attention to because they have very little exposition and you are thrust right into the story with little to no preperation. It moves pretty quickly and is hard to understand. Then again, it could have been the hour.

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