Polyphasing – Day 25 Gone

I’ve been having some sleep deprivation problems lately but I’m using the walking method and it helps. And I’m sure Mozart is enjoying it too. I’m also adding micro naps as I see fit. Not sure about effects yet. I am, however, considering switching to the full Uberman. This might make things easier and quicker.

And I’ve just run into a new interesting problem: how do you sleep according to schedule in the middle of a fucking thunder storm?!

Posted in No Category by with 3 comments.


  • Yaron says:

    with earplugs and an eye mask

  • Yaron says:

    Also I prefer the 5 hour – 2 naps out of 3 possible time points and 1 hour flexability on the naps version of the poly-phasing sleep

    you sleep a 5 hour chunk
    and you have 3 points in the day, you must nap during 2 of them?
    but you have a 1 hour flexibility around each point that still counts as “sleeping at that point” without breaking your sleep habit

    • Eran says:

      But it’s not much of a gain. I’m actually really thinking about switching to Uberman to gain more and because adapting to it is nastier but faster and less torturous than this.