Space Station Lives of Others

Jax decided to check the public records for any info on the Sa Nalaor. Naritt went looking for rumors and scuttlebutt about the Sa Nalaor. An Isotech message pod hit an Yiyar clan ship. Went to dig some info on the ship that got damaged. It’s the Nightflyer, the Yiyar ship. Apparently, an Isotech ship snatched up the damaging message pod and flew away. Saw Rodian spying, gave chase, caught him and engaged. Naritt joined. Subdued Rodian. Cops showed up. Everyone escorted away. Rodian was covered by a bunch of other questionable folks and we had to let it go. Went to meet Shira, Reom’s sister, and escort her to the Isotech offices. Found some data on where the Sa Nalaor is. Reom asked us to find it and grab the tech on it as it was worth a lot. Jax tried to hack the pod but it didn’t work out so well for him.

Got an advance on the mission payment of 1500 to use for supplies. Called to the hanger to pick up the droid. Went there and found the droid and four Rodians that didn’t really want to leave the bot alone. We shot them up expertly and rescued the droid, and some equipment too. Got the coordinates from the droid and started flying towards the target. Took a misstep on the final jump but made it alright to Cholganna, one final stop before final destination.

“20 minutes to destination…” The computer notification beeped and Throutek closed the log entry. It was almost time to take back manual control and see what they find.

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