Weaponless: The Modern Ronin

The hallways were dark. This was intentional. It was the middle of the night but guards still prowled the corridors. Lahav blended with the walls. That was also intentional for he did not want to turn his camouflage suit on. In this light, or lack there of, it was completely unnecessary. He listened. The hallways were also silent. He moved out.
Out of nowhere came a security guard. Lahav was momentarily overcome with surprise. How come he didn’t see or hear this guard?
The guard seemed less surprised and reached for his gun. At this instant Lahav noticed his flashlight was stowed in his belt and figured the guard was waiting for him. It was too late to try and correct that mistake for the holster’s buckle was already undone and the standard issue
semi-automatic was on its way out.
The green hue of the light amplification scale still dominated his field of view but Lahav’s vision changed. He began to perceive things differently. He focused on other things, like the barrel almost leveled with his face. He took the guard’s wrist from inside and moved forward, hammering his other fist into the guard’s elbow. Next he twisted the gun holding hand and pulled, forcing the guard towards him and into the fist he launched towards his nose. Ripping the gun from the mangled fingers, he tossed the weapon away and pushed the guard’s arm back upon itself, making him turn enough for Lahav to return with a choke hold. Pushing his ulna into the guard’s larynx
and folding down, Lahav ceased the guard’s air supply and the man stopped struggling within a few seconds.

Posted in From the Writing Desk by with 3 comments.


  • Nihau says:

    I like Lahav :)

  • Eran says:

    Me too. I guess that’s why I focus my writing on him.

  • בוב says:

    יש בעיה אחת רצינית* הייתי צריך לפנות לשני מילונים (אנגלי-עברי ועברי-עברי) בשביל להבין משפט אחד.
    “Pushing his ulna into the guard’s larynx”
    ויש לי הכשרה של חובש, כן?

    *כן, כן, רק עכשיו נזכרתי לקרוא את הרשומה הזאת…