Polyphasing – Day 21 Gone

While I did have to make some changes and it was difficult, narcolepting and everything, I feel like I’m hitting my stride again, literally. While I did find it difficult, in the past few days, staying up the night, tonight I  decided to just take a short walk. Not even a long one, I just took out the trash. The cool night air, the activated awareness of stepping outside, the pack of wild boars under the walkway, it all contributed to waking me up and I felt much better when I came back.

I don’t remember everything that I did those nights in the past week, not clearly and I do know there were times when I was fighting off sleep with tooth and nail but I think I found what works for me. Now, if I feel tired, I’ll just take a walk. I’m sure Mozart wouldn’t mind. And I’m already feeling more energised.

In the book I’m reading, I just read that Everyman is the most compatible with social life of the seriously polyphasic schedules but, because it’s not that different, it’s the hardest and the longest to adapt to. And that I shouldn’t expect being a 100% for at least two months in. Well, I’m not a 100%. There are times when I feel 110%, and they come more often than usual, but overall, if I have to average throughout the day, I’ll say I’m at about 70%. That’s 90-100% after most naps and about 30-40% in the middle of the night.

So far, despite the fact that I had some doubts myself about whether I could do this or not, my wife does help (especially by forcing me out of bed when my consciousness isn’t quite back and I’m not sure what’s going on) and I’m not close to calling quits. I still think this could work. And I think two, or even three, months of feeling and producing below average are worth the extra time and energy I will gain in the long haul.

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