Review: John Carter

I don’t think John Carter‘s problem was being late to the field. I think the story, at its base, is decent enough if a bit cliched. There are some plot threads that are left hanging and it could use a little boost of intelligence but it has spunk. The characters are cool, John Carter himself is cool and the white apes fight reminded me of the Rancor fight. This could have been good.

I think the main problem are the actors. The chemistry is almost non-existent, between the two leads and pretty much anyone else. The two bad guys seem like stupid Disney villains… they’re villains… in a Disney movie… well, you get my point.

And even though Princess Lynn Collins is the most talented of the bunch, she’s not that great either. And Taylor Kitch pretending to be Batman pretending to be John Carter of Mars is almost completely unrelatable. I mean, his back story, which I remember working in other movies (even in Star Wars) simply did nothing for me this time around.

So, it’s not John Carter’s fault, me thinks. With a tighter script, just a bit more cohesion and a set serious actors (Like the cast of Chronicles of Riddick – which was very similar and awesome, don’t argue), this could have been a good movie. But like this, I would recommended you avoid it unless you really have time on your hands or a serious movie freak like me (because time is still a luxury).

Posted in Reviews by with 2 comments.


  • Nihau says:

    I don’t know about you. I enjoyed watching this movie with Bluescreenofdeath (your brother’s evil twin). The views were awesome, the world of Mars was well presented, the green people were realistic, the apes were suitably fearsome, the air-ships magnificent and nearly convincing, as SciFi aught to be, the plot was Tarzan-like as expected and even the pet Rula won surprising amounts of fondness for a creature so ugly. no complaints there.

    what did you expect from the books that did not pass in the movie?

    • Eran says:

      I haven’t read the books, just heard about them. The dog-like creature was awesome, indeed, but the acting was quite anemic, the bad guys were mysterious to the point of boring and the back story simply didn’t work.