Review: The Matrix DeZIONized

Basically, the second and third movies of the Matrix trilogy pulled into one with out any of the Zion scenes. The end result: A two and a half hour movie that actually has better pacing, allows you to follow the plot, is tighter and doesn’t really delve into stupidity. Too much.

There are the occasional moments where you think this might be silly or cliche but hey, it’s the Matrix. They popularized if not invented this shit.

Over all, there are two thing I can say about it. I consider it the definitive ONLY sequel to the great movie that is the Matrix. It’s not a perfect one but it’s better than Reloaded and Revolutions combined on their own. The editors are right. Sometimes, less is more. So, I would recommend it on that regard.

The second thing is, if you haven’t seen the Matrix sequels yet, you should probably watch this. It’s better. If you have, you probably have one of two opinions. You either thought the movies were somewhere between ok and good. Or you think they were somewhere between shit and an abomination.

If you are of the latter category, there is probably not a lot I can say that would convince you. If you are of the former, I urge you to give this another go. You might be surprised.


Posted in Reviews by with 5 comments.


  • Nihau says:

    There is a theory worth considering:
    Everything in the movies is VR including the Zion and Neo’s EMP powers “IRL”.
    It is actually a second layer of the matrix to which “escaped” people can get by shear willpower or active disconnect or blue pill or whatever. but it is not the real world.
    This sorts out most of the bullshit in the movies. No problems of energy-mass conversion in the human battery concept, no super powers outside the matrix, no problem with a kid that got himself out of the matrix by believing, no problem with computer generated prophecy- since it has access to all the details of both “worlds” and many many repetitions. The whole story can be one big “floor 13” experiment, where AIs think they are live humans.
    think about it.

    • Eran says:

      That’s an interesting way to go about it. And it does explain World Record and Kid’s Story which I just tend to dismiss.

      Too bad the Wachowskis didn’t think one more layer of meta, like the Thirteenth Floor or eXistenZ. :)

      • Nihau says:

        No, that would have to be done more subtle than they showed they can do. The way it currently stands is better- you have the freedom to think whatever you wish without the story channeling you to one theory or another. they all work.

  • zipdrive says:

    So, care to explain how this editing change the movies?
    Also, how legal is this?

    • Eran says:

      As far as I can see, the movie isn’t edited in some fancy way as to change the plot or message. It just dumps the Zion parts and thus it flows much better and gets rid of, what I think, is most people’s problem with those movies.

      This is a fan-edit. Since this is just the original material, edited, if you have the original material, you could do that yourself in the privacy of your own home. and it would be completely legal.
      Thus, if you have a copy of Reloaded and Revolutions, having this is completely legal. As far as I know, I’m not a lawyer.