Review: Chronicle

Chronicle, basically, is a story of three high school students – an abused, shy guy, his do-gooder cousin and the popular class president – who find an unusual power and what they do with it. Actually, it is much more than that.In short, it is an awesome movie that never lets off and at 89 minutes, it feels much too short. It’s great.

At length, I have two specific mentions: One, this is a ‘found footage’ movie but, due to some clever story tricks, it’s not shaky and has a lot of on-purpose smooth camera movement. That’s as much as can be said with out going into some spoilers. Two, probably THE thing that makes this movie great is the understandable villain. As Andrew turns bad, you can’t help but sympathise with him. His shy, introverted demeanor is something probably everyone knows and add to that a terribly sick mother and an abusive father and his rage becomes completely reasonable.

Anyway, it’s cool, it’s action-y, it’s sad, it’s metaphorical. It’s an instant classic.

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