In the Beginning Was the Command Line

היה חיבור של ניל סטיבנסון על מערכות הפעלה מסחריות וחינמיות ועל תרבות התוכנה של מיקרוסופט, אפל ולאחר מכן, המתחרים שלהם. ניתן לקרוא אותו במלואו באינטרנט אבל הוא יחסית ארוך. מספיק ארוך כדי להיות ספר בפני עצמו. החלק היותר מוכר שלו הוא MGBs, Tanks and Batmobiles, דרך מעניינת להסתכל על התחרות בין מערכות ההפעלה, אבל אני רוצה לחלוק פה כמה קטעים מאוד מעניינים שאני חושב שצריך לקרוא ולהבין. ואני לא חושב, לפחות על הקטעים האלו, שהם חובה רק למתכנתים או טכנאים אלא לכל משתמשי המחשב באשר הם. תמשיכו לקרוא ותבינו.

הקטע הבא מדבר על תקלות במערכות הפעלה ואיך צריך להתייחס אליהם.

Because Linux is not commercial–because it is, in fact, free, as well as rather difficult to obtain, install, and operate–it does not have to maintain any pretensions as to its reliability. Consequently, it is much more reliable. When something goes wrong with Linux, the error is noticed and loudly discussed right away. Anyone with the requisite technical knowledge can go straight to the source code and point out the source of the error, which is then rapidly fixed by whichever hacker has carved out responsibility for that particular program.

As far as I know, Debian is the only Linux distribution that has its own constitution (, but what really sold me on it was its phenomenal bug database (, which is a sort of interactive Doomsday Book of error, fallibility, and redemption. It is simplicity itself. When I had a problem with Debian in early January of 1997, I sent in a message describing the problem to My problem was promptly assigned a bug report number (#6518) and a severity level (the available choices being critical, grave, important, normal, fixed, and wishlist) and forwarded to mailing lists where Debian people hang out. Within twenty-four hours I had received five e-mails telling me how to fix the problem: two from North America, two from Europe, and one from Australia. All of these e-mails gave me the same suggestion, which worked, and made my problem go away. But at the same time, a transcript of this exchange was posted to Debian’s bug database, so that if other users had the same problem later, they would be able to search through and find the solution without having to enter a new, redundant bug report.

Contrast this with the experience that I had when I tried to install Windows NT 4.0 on the very same machine about ten months later, in late 1997. The installation program simply stopped in the middle with no error messages. I went to the Microsoft Support website and tried to perform a search for existing help documents that would address my problem. The search engine was completely nonfunctional; it did nothing at all. It did not even give me a message telling me that it was not working.

Eventually I decided that my motherboard must be at fault; it was of a slightly unusual make and model, and NT did not support as many different motherboards as Linux. I am always looking for excuses, no matter how feeble, to buy new hardware, so I bought a new motherboard that was Windows NT logo-compatible, meaning that the Windows NT logo was printed right on the box. I installed this into my computer and got Linux running right away, then attempted to install Windows NT again. Again, the installation died without any error message or explanation. By this time a couple of weeks had gone by and I thought that perhaps the search engine on the Microsoft Support website might be up and running. I gave that a try but it still didn’t work.

So I created a new Microsoft support account, then logged on to submit the incident. I supplied my product ID number when asked, and then began to follow the instructions on a series of help screens. In other words, I was submitting a bug report just as with the Debian bug tracking system. It’s just that the interface was slicker–I was typing my complaint into little text-editing boxes on Web forms, doing it all through the GUI, whereas with Debian you send in an e-mail telegram. I knew that when I was finished submitting the bug report, it would become proprietary Microsoft information, and other users wouldn’t be able to see it. Many Linux users would refuse to participate in such a scheme on ethical grounds, but I was willing to give it a shot as an experiment. In the end, though I was never able to submit my bug report, because the series of linked web pages that I was filling out eventually led me to a completely blank page: a dead end.

So I went back and clicked on the buttons for “phone support” and eventually was given a Microsoft telephone number. When I dialed this number I got a series of piercing beeps and a recorded message from the phone company saying “We’re sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.”

I tried the search page again–it was still completely nonfunctional. Then I tried PPI (Pay Per Incident) again. This led me through another series of Web pages until I dead-ended at one reading: “Notice-there is no Web page matching your request.”

I tried it again, and eventually got to a Pay Per Incident screen reading: “OUT OF INCIDENTS. There are no unused incidents left in your account. If you would like to purchase a support incident, click OK-you will then be able to prepay for an incident….” The cost per incident was $95.

The experiment was beginning to seem rather expensive, so I gave up on the PPI approach and decided to have a go at the FAQs posted on Microsoft’s website. None of the available FAQs had anything to do with my problem except for one entitled “I am having some problems installing NT” which appeared to have been written by flacks, not engineers.

So I gave up and still, to this day, have never gotten Windows NT installed on that particular machine. For me, the path of least resistance was simply to use Debian Linux.

Posted in IT, Memes and Stuff by with 3 comments.


  • Nihau says:

    יש לי שתי בעיות עקרוניות עם לינוקס:

    1. המחשב האישי שלי משמש לעבודה ומותקנות עליו רק תוכנות שחשובות לעבודה אקדמאית- תוכנות סטאטיסטיקה, ביואינפורמטיקה, GIS וכו. הבעייתית מביניהן הן hyperterminal וsystat. אם לינוקס תעכב לי עבודה אפילו שבוע אחד בגלל חוסר הניסיון שלי בתכנות ועבודה עם לינוקס זה עלול להיות נזק של ממש לעבודה.

    2. עוד לא מצאתי סיבה טובה לעבור אל לינוקס, לא שמעתי הסבר טוב וממצה של היתרונות והחסרונות של לינוקס מול XP שיגרמו לי להבין שמעבר ללינוקס יכול לשפר את חווית העבודה מול מחשב.

  • Eran says:

    1) במקרה שלך ההמלצה שלי היא חד משמעית לא לעבור ללינוקס, לפחות עד שתסיימי את האקדמיה. כי באקדמיה יש כל מיני תוכנות מאוד לחודיות שצריך בדיוק בשביל המשימה המסוימת הזאת וכמעט לכולן אין גרסה ללינוקס והנסיון להריץ אותן איך שהוא כנראה יגרום לך יותר נזק מאשר תועלת.

    2) לגבי זה, תהיה הרחבה בהמשך אבל הסיבה העיקרית היא כי לינוקס חופשית והתוכנות בשבילה הן לרוב גם כן חופשיות. והכל פתוח. כל המידע שם. מדברים על הכל. זה לא סגור מאחורי קירות של הגנה תאגידית. והוא מדבר על הסיבה הזאת בקטע.

  • Eran says:

    והנה הסבר קצר ומעניין:

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