
I’m a simple man but tend to complicate things
I can take the long haul but prefer short segments
I’m a man of action but a man of my word
I’ll go to great lengths but rather stay at home

I like to play the man of mystery but I give out information for free
I’m strict on security but keep few things locked
I will walk a mile in another man’s shoes if he would walk in mine
I travel light and fast but carry all I need with me

I’m innocent but can do wicked
I’m a gentleman that will let you feel empowered
I have the speed of a bullet train and the patience of a mountain
I keep my feet on the ground but can soar like an eagle

I’m lazy but will march on your call
I’m tough to the world yet soft to your touch
My mind is my own but you occupy it endlessly
I like my privacy yet you’re welcome to it any day

I’m attached to nothing but can’t disconnect from you
I trust fleetingly but mine is yours unconditionally
I know nothing is perfect but you’re as close as it gets
I’m afraid of nothing, nothing except losing you

I’m introverted but you bring me out
I’m shy yet you make me confident
I’m my own man and now yours too
I might say it less then I think it
But you know that I love you

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