Flash Fiction February 16: Mountain

Blog Archives - Examining LifeEveryone has their mountain. You don’t find it. It’s not there to begin with. You have to build it.

Some people like their mountains small, easy to build, easy to climb. They top it off in some short time and feel satisfied with themselves.

But, as they say, it’s the darers and the dreamers who look at the blueprints for all the tiny mountains and then look away. They dig and scramble and find the parts and the scraps. They design their own mountain. They build it from trash, from non-existence, and from hope. They make it tower over the others and change the skyline.

When other people see that mountain rise up on the landscape, they ooh and ahh. Some cheer, some deride. But they are all intrigued. Will this one succeed? Is this one even climbable? Who is that person that built this mountain? How will the climb be? Who will they be if and when they reach the top? Who will we all be?

Not all of them reach the top. Usually just a scant few do. But, when they do, they change everything.

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